2015: Repudiating Cheney/Neoconservatives/Gang - TopicsExpress


2015: Repudiating Cheney/Neoconservatives/Gang Stalking youtu.be/a_ontFj-DIY 2015 can be the year of the Reinvention of America. It can be the year when people of conscience repudiate the legacy of Dick Cheney, the Authoritarian Neoconservatives, the American Police State, Oligarchy, Spin/Propaganda/the State Secrets Doctrine to Hide Gross Misconduct. We need a new crop of Leaders – Leaders for Economic Reform like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, Libertarian-minded Leaders like Rand Paul who will stand up for Liberty, Individualism, A New Foreign Policy – a rediscovery of the principles of our founders. Dick Cheney and the Authoritarian Neoconservatives governed by fear, lies, secrecy. They introduced Fascism in America – reminiscent of Hitler, calling our country the Homeland, infecting it with an out-of-control mammoth intelligence-industrial complex, continuous war, torture, the decimation of the Bill of Rights. 2015 is time for the Backlash. It will start by repudiating Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush – Elites who will try to reinstall the status quo. This must be a year of Values, when we rededicate ourselves to the Bill of Rights. Yes, there are tremendous challenges in the world. Yes, we do not only have authoritarians in this country, the right wing extremist Neoconservatives, but we also have Authoritarians around the world who have no respect for borders or the rights of people to make their own decisions and determine their own lives. But you don’t fight evil with evil. You fight evil with good. In America we have to rediscover values that are good. We can look to our forefathers for what that is – limited government, divided government where the states, the people have power to rein in the federal government. Our forefathers gave us the Bill of Rights to rein in tyranny. The Bill of Rights must be the banner we knock over the Authoritarians heads until they understand what America is really about. Let 2015 be the year of the people, the year we say we will make the decisions about the direction our country takes, not the think tanks, not the Elites, not our military-industrial complex or our intelligence-industrial complex, but the people. We will have information. We will expose our governments gross abuses like Government Gang Stalking. We will Restore the Rule of Law in America. The People are mad as hell for what the Dick Cheneys, the right wing extremist Neoconservatives have done and in 2015 the Backlash begins to reverse their destruction of traditional American Values. Hang on the America of our forefathers – help is on the way to push back the RED coats (hear that you Fascist Gang Stalkers) again. stopgangstalkingpolice youtube/user/bonnieleec anti-authoritarianism TheAmericanReformMovement
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 20:07:00 +0000

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