2015 Wood Sheep Year Ceremony Location is changed: Vidorra - TopicsExpress


2015 Wood Sheep Year Ceremony Location is changed: Vidorra 21st floor 215 N Center st. San Antonio, TX 78202 My cellphone: 210-240-9459 ( text only) Shop phone: 210-706-9232 Dead line: 12/10/14( because I need to prepare all your energy paper work in order to get you the right Jade for 2015) Time: 12/14 Sunday at noon in 2014 ----12/14/12/14 It is only one day in a year we offer this specifically this ceremony which we bring us positive energy and wishes come true. Please dont miss this once in a year opportunity to improve your money, family, job, peace, relationship, love, health, avoid the legal issues, protection.... Just think about you only spend a hour for asking you need for the whole 2015, is this going to be worth it? How Much: $40.00 each person. (Including all Feng Shui items for this TaiSui Ceremony and we will bring all of them to the event). You also need to bring following: 8 Apples, 8 cookies, 8 oranges, 1 bottle of honey Donations: your age in 2015 For example, you will be 20 years old in 2015, your donation will be $20, or 20 pieces quarter, 20 pieces diamonds..... If you are returning ceremony clients and your wishes come true then you need to prepare additional separate donation for thank you TaiSui Donations. And this Donations need from your heart, because it has karma in side. Wishes: please place them in your own white envelope. Only good wishes, not bad wishes. Again because karma. More than 1, a lot is ok!!!! Kids welcome!!!! If you are not sure that if you want to attend it or not, call the shop or check my another post in the past to find out your luck in 2015. Here is some of the pictures we have in the 2014 house ceremony and hope to see any of you soon.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 02:37:29 +0000

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