2015: YOU ARE FAILURE, FORGET YOUR SELFISH AMBITION, GROUP TELLS JONATHAN. A call has gone out to President Goodluck Jonathan to discard any ambition for a second term in office, as he has failed in delivering on his promises in his first term. Making the call recently, the Ndigbo Unity Forum, in an open letter to the President, noted that Nigerian leaders for the past fifteen years had not made the welfare of the masses their priority, resulting in the avoidable suffering of the masses of the country. “Today we are faced with numerous problems, ranging from insecurity, kidnapping, terrorism, poverty, strikes by schools of higher learning. Mr. president it is obvious you are not bothered about all these problems because your priority is how to win the 2015 presidential elections, even if all Nigerians will die in one day, you don’t care,” the statement signed by its President, Augustine Chukwudum said. It added that the Boko Haram menace had continued unabated, with the group on a spree, ‘killing people as if they are cutting weeds and not human beings. “Instead of tackling this Boko Haram menace you treat them with kid gloves, you only continue to inform the world that you are on top of the situation while more people are killed on a daily basis.’
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 07:26:14 +0000

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