2015 brings a year of transition from the deeply introspective - TopicsExpress


2015 brings a year of transition from the deeply introspective Scorpionic revelations and the constant Plutonic unearthing of bodies, secrets and lies to a more collective approach focused on problem solving rather than railing against injustice. [...] The slow moving outer planets – Chiron, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto- create the signature of the zeitgeist, putting their stamp on your preoccupations, tastes, values and Ideas. You can see this by looking back at decades such as the sixties or 80s, seeing the fashion, trends and big issues of the day and noticing how different it is from now. In 2015 what will be most noticeable is the move of Saturn, one of two social planets with Jupiter, into Sagittarius. Think back to the last time the Black Sun was in Sagittarius between November 1985 and June 1988.What changed for you back then? Which people and issues were most important? How did you grow up during those years? Whatever Saturn touches is forced to grow, to evolve and to develop solid foundations. So what might you expect with Saturn now in a fiery mutable sign instead of the Fixed water sign of Scorpio? Firstly, the sign of the Archer is ruled by Jupiter, the Hierophant and visionary-a welcome contrast to being ruled by implacable Pluto. Sagittarius is the sign of the Centaur, half human, half horse, symbolising the quest for the transpersonal away from the material, whose esoteric mantra is: I see the goal. I reach the goal and see another. “The more I stand out, straight and tall, Owning my truth before one and all, The more I love this world I hold dear, The more of the road to the future I clear.” Sagittarius rules: truth, wisdom, mass communication (TV, radio), prophecy, teaching, higher-education, travel, in-laws, foreign lands, exploration, optimism, morality. Now that Saturn is moving into Sagittarius, you are asked to re-orientate yourself by focusing on truth, authenticity, your belief system and your attitude towards knowledge, wisdom and education. Sagittarius’ planetary ruler is Jupiter and Jupiter concerns money, ideals, education, the medical field, religion, churches, governments and laws. Ideas will change and evolve in your own life and on the collective level during this cycle of Saturn .Expect changes in education, potential scandals in churches and political scandals and issues over laws and boundaries. Religion and government views, laws, education and world views will come to the forefront, and this transit will represent a conflict between extremist religious viewpoints, and those of others. The worldwide web will continue to come under threat of control or face greater restriction. If Saturn = Crystallization, and Sagittarius = Truth, then Saturn in Sagittarius will help you walk your talk, jettison your limiting rules and beliefs, and create your philosophy. It is a chairotic moment time to write your mission statement, your constitution, your creed. And from this time on, to only allow a career, relationship, friendships and activities that are congruent with your mission statement.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 21:48:42 +0000

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