2016: A LOCK FOR THE DEMOCRATS IN ALL THREE BRANCHES!!!!! REMEMBER YOU HEARD THIS HERE FIRST!!!!! I could probably pay for my the cost of my site, and all the time I’ve put into it researching and posting over 3500 posts if I had a $1 for every time someone sent me an email calling me “Crazy,” a “Conspiracy Theorist,” or told me my “Tin Foil Hat Is Too Tight…” only to be DEAD ON just a few weeks or months later… almost like a science. I’ve issued the challenge several times, and no one has ever caught me: Find one of my predictions that has not been correct, other than the ones that have not happened… YET… and I assure you… they’ll happen just like the others. With that in mind… I’m going to go put all my chips in on this one… Much like HOLDER WAS TOTALLY ACTING WHEN HE BEGGED THE COURTS NOT TO RELEASE THE DOCUMENTS SEALED WITH EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE, this is ALL an ACT. Some of you will argue they Democrat National Committee changed course and after a brief hiatus, began dumping money back into Kentucky… but I’m telling you it was all a charade. Team Obama and Team Hillary are WAAAAY beyond dirty. Remember: “THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS…” I have not heard one political pundit say this, nor have I read this anywhere. This is 10000% my own intuitive prediction: THE LOSS WAS PLANNED. Plain and simple. I don’t think it could be any more textbook if they tried. I’m not a trained political operative… but I’d make sure the Democrats threw the election if I was running the show. WHY WOULDN’T THEY? This is NOT that hard to figure out. REMEMBER: “OBAMA HAS HIS PHONE AND HIS PEN” WITH OR WITHOUT A GOP SENATE. There is going to be TOTAL GRIDLOCK with or without the GOP SENATE because Obama won’t sign anything into law that the House and Senate propose to him if it goes against his agenda. ARE YOU EVEN GOING TO TRY TO TELL ME OBAMA WOULD BE CHASTISED BY THE MEDIA FOR VETOES? IS THAT A JOKE? INSTEAD, OBAMA WILL HOLD PRESS CONFERENCES, BUT NO ONE WILL MENTION ALL HIS VETOES. INSTEAD, WHAT WILL BE MENTIONED IS THE GOP PRESENTING OBAMA WITH RIDICULOUS BILLS, AND THE USELESS IDIOTS WILL BELIEVE HIM, BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE WHATEVER THEY HEAR IN A SOUND BITE, OR THEY WILL BELIEVE WHAT IS ON A BUMPER STICKER IF THE USEFUL IDIOTS BELIEVE THE MEDIA (THEY WILL) GUESS WHO WINS THE THREE BRANCHES? READ ON...
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 17:08:11 +0000

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