20th Sunday In recent weeks, we have heard of Jesus’ many - TopicsExpress


20th Sunday In recent weeks, we have heard of Jesus’ many miracles - healing men, women and children of various maladies. So today’s gospel is quite startling, presenting a side of Jesus we have not seen. Jesus withdraws to a different region – perhaps due to fatigue and weariness from the press of the crowds. And even there he is known; a woman calls out to him, using his title, “Lord, Son of David.” But “Jesus did not say a word in answer to her”. Clearly this is a woman of faith, why would Jesus not speak to her? Is he that tired? But the woman persists, kneels before Jesus, and continues to plead on behalf of her daughter. It is then that Jesus acknowledges her faith, and her daughter is healed. Had this been one of us, I doubt that we would have persisted after being ignored by Jesus. I certainly would have been long gone after the first rebuke; but this woman did not. What have we stopped speaking to God about? What desires, seemingly ignored or refused, have we stopped praying? Maybe the question is not, as we hear so often, “Why doesn’t God answer my prayers?” But rather, what happens to us when we stop seeking, pleading and praying? Perhaps our hearts shrink little by little, our capacity for mystery and compassion diminished. Today’s first and second readings set us up for the drama that unfolds in the gospel; God’s love and mercy are universal - Inclusive, all-encompassing, complete – for all peoples of all time. God’s justice and salvation are generously promised and given to all who sincerely seek Him. Let us be as bold as the Canaanite woman to believe it and to act on it – seeking God’s mercy, love and healing. ON THE OCCASION OF MY FIRST PRIESTLY ANNIVERSARY, I DEEM IT MORE THAN NECESSARY TO THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR PRAYERS, SUPPORT & ENCOURAGEMENTS. MAY GOD BLESS YOU FOR BEING PART OF IT.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 22:57:45 +0000

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