21 March 2014 Will Marais @ LFC Leaders Seminar This is part of - TopicsExpress


21 March 2014 Will Marais @ LFC Leaders Seminar This is part of what Will shared:- If faith is the substance of things hoped for- then whats your hope? What are you intentionally putting out there and trusting or hoping in God for - Seriously, if you cannot write down your hope in specifics, you dont have hope, and if you dont have hope, you dont need faith. The reason I say this is because our hope gives our faith something to aim at - it gives our faith direction - So, if we have no hope, we dont need faith, and if we have no faith, we cant please God - So, Recalibrate your life and thinking right now - get focussed and ask God to make your life, gifts and resources a conduit to help bring His Kingdom to earth - Ask yourself what u can do through your local church to extend His Kingdom - then put it out there as your hope - pray over and into it - let faith grow inside of you as you see it become more and more clear - then do it - as you intentionally seek to extend His Kingdom in this way, all those other things you long for will be added to you by God Himself - So hey - put your mind and heart into gear today - be intentional - get hope - then go for it - Aim high, stay low and glorify Jesus - Why not !!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 10:27:18 +0000

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