22 years ago, I stood on the drill pad of Alpha Company, 795th MP - TopicsExpress


22 years ago, I stood on the drill pad of Alpha Company, 795th MP Bn, awaiting mail call. I was going into the weekend of Thanksgiving, missing home. My first sergeant called us all to attention and read aloud a letter my mother had sent to our company, explaining that as an Army wife of a career soldier, she knew the rules about sending goodies. That rule was always send enough for all. He then had the drill sergeants wheel out large boxes, stuffed full of homemade cookies and candies. There was enough to go around and then some. The first sergeant and company commander had the drill sergeant disburse the goodies evenly amongst all of us, making sure we all got a little of that holiday cheer. I was told later on that my mom had called the unit weeks ago and had made the arrangements, just make sure it was okay. I remember her the most when I am elbows deep in the kitchen, especially this time of year. Her generosity and love are sorely missed, but being in the kitchen, covered head to toe in flour makes me feel like I am channeling her a bit. Okay, enough mushy crap, back to kneading dough!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 00:25:25 +0000

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