23 things you may not know about Kyle Heap and I 1. Our dads were - TopicsExpress


23 things you may not know about Kyle Heap and I 1. Our dads were friends long before we met 2. We met at the Jackson Hill climbs, and I kept teasing my dad and Eric Heap that kyle was cute, so Eric gave me kyles number 3. kyle is two years younger than me 4. kyle really does talk a lot! sometimes i have to tell him to shut up! 5. we moved in together five months after we started dating 6. i would call the high school and get him out of class so he could come hang out with me before i went to work! lol 7. i helped him pass high school government, and two college english classes by writing all his papers for him! 8. when we first started dating, kyles mom thought he was dating two different girls because he would call me sarah and eric would call me jordan 9. we used to practice dancing in our living room so we werent awkward at our wedding 10. we had two snow machines at our wedding as decor 11. kyle actually asked for my dads permission to marry me, after he sat and talked about snowmobiling for two hours because he was so nervous! 12. kyle really hates scary movies, but i love them! 13. we compete every year to see who can kill the biggest elk (i think he always tells me mine is bigger, even though its really not!) 14. when we go snowmobiling you can always find kyle sitting on top of a big mountain, not because he is looking at the view, but so he can find me and make sure im not stuck! 15. to go along with 14, sometimes I hide from him because i think its cute to sit and watch him looking for me! lol 16. we got pregnant by total accident eight months after our wedding 17. on our honeymoon, i fell down a flight of stairs and almost broke my hand, kyle laughed the whole time, and then asked if i wanted another ice cream cone since mine was all over my shirt 18. fettuccine was the only thing i could cook the first year we lived together, so we both gained kyles freshman 15 19. suprisingly my fettuccine is still kyles favorite meal 20. when we lived in rock springs kyle would take me to sushi and coldstone every thursday night, because he knew i loved it so much 21. even though we went to the same high school we did not know eachother, we knew eachothers friends but can not remember eachother at all in school 22. the only reason kyle text me at the hill climbs, the year we met, was to ask if my brother would buy him beer (he will deny that) 23. we have only been together five years, but it feels like forever! lol
Posted on: Mon, 09 Dec 2013 16:58:48 +0000

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