238 years ago, the colonists declared their right, their duty - TopicsExpress


238 years ago, the colonists declared their right, their duty “to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” It is time we do the same. Like the colonists had for King George III, we too have a long list of particulars — facts that can “be submitted to a candid world.” Our wee little king Hussein has forgotten that we fought a war for independence. Our wee little king Hussein has forgotten that we are a free people. That we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights. That these rights cannot be infringed by a tyrannical government. Our wee little king Hussein fails to understand that We the People believe in Liberty, Life, the Pursuit of Happiness. Our wee little king Hussein tramples on God-given rights and fights for the wee little of man. The “right” to “equal pay.” The “right” to birth control. The “right” to enter our country illegally and demand public assistance. The “right” to marry someone of the same gender. What other kind of rights could a wee little king espouse but wee little rights? Your life? You have no right to it. Government has the rights over it. Your Liberty? You have no right to expect liberty. Government has the right to determine who gets Liberty and what Liberties you may receive. Your Property? You have not right to your property. Your income, you home, your car, your health insurance policy — these belong to Government. And Government will determine what, if anything, you may retain. Pursuit of Happiness? You do not have a right to pursue happiness. Because it isn’t fair. What if you end up happier than some “folks” down the street from you? What if your pursuits result in your earning more money or starting a business? That isn’t fair to the people who do not pursue those things. Our wee little king Hussein doesn’t not believe that there are unalienable rights “endowed by our Creator.” Our wee little king Hussein believes rights are given or taken by Government. I can’t help but wonder what our forefathers would have thought if, instead of George III, they were subjects of the wee little king Hussein. This arrogant, petulant, ignorant, narcissistic Despot who languishes in the lap of luxury while he creates misery for the American People. There is a war going on. A war to conquer this nation. To strip us of the independence we fought a revolution to secure. No, the enemy isn’t a foreign power. The enemy is our Government led by the wee little king Hussein. We are being conquered from within. We are being dragged back under the heavy boot of tyranny. Our lives, our property, of liberties are being stolen from us. How many of the long train of abuses done by George III can be seen again in our wee little king Hussein? He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers. He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 04:38:29 +0000

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