25.10.2014 : Summaries of Novorossiya : The Special Forces of - TopicsExpress


25.10.2014 : Summaries of Novorossiya : The Special Forces of the #Donetsk Peoples Republic have a message for #Ukraine forces along with a song! bit.ly/1wsZiKj #Russia #Churkin: Thousands of deaths and a million homeless could have been AVOIDED in #Ukraine Volunteer #AntiFascists from #Germany fighting in #NAF ranks talk about situation in #Donbass #NovoRossiya #Donetsk airport today: Brave #Novorossiya fighters, at the front-line fighting #ukraine fascism. Poroshenko said Odessites should be very proud of being called city of Banderites. He forgot to add city of Bandera fascists After Odessa Massacre the city Russian city no more but truly Banderite city Poroshenko lauds patriotic Odessites human rights watchdogs now I suspect that @hrw became shameless fascist Western regimes propagandist Putin warns Kiev regime not to try final solution in Donbas To underline democratic nature of the #Kiev regime Rada elections, the Electoral Commission will be protected by #pravysector #neonazis parts of the #Ukie 80th Airmobile brigade have been surrounded by #NAF for 10 days at checkpoint 32 at #Bakhmutka #Ljashkos crazies running second to Poroshenkos party in the polls for the forthcoming #kiev regime elections Kosher? Campaign poster. Oleh Lyashko pitchforking Jewish Kolomoisky, #Ukraine #DNR: UKR army encircled #Donetsk. City takeover will be launched from 4 directions, possibly on the day of elections. Its here, Novorossiya News #16 - Zakharchenko and the Ilovaisk Kids - https://youtube/watch?v=ngi_Nn4cIvs … #NAF are setting up defensive positions in #Donetsk in preparation for street to street fighting Meanwhile in #nazi-occupied #Slavyansk, putsch regime are #DoingItWrong. Thank God #NAF liberation is coming soon. It seems a major confrontation is going to have place at #Donetsk airport. A NAF tanks column has blocked all roads towards it. #Ukraine battalion Shakhtersk condemned for plunder is not disbanded, but renamed Tornado. Good to know. Since 05:00 am heavy fighting near Nikishino-Fashevka (Debaltsevo). GRAD and howitzers used #Lugansk, 24.10.2014 - UkroArmy has suffered severe defeat near Blockpost (Checkpoint) No 32 near Smeloye.UkroArmy is said to have lost 22 armoured vehicles (tanks, APC and possibly Hummers) as well as at least 100 killed troops. #Lviv, 24.10.2014 - Lviv Partisans at work...This night at #Chervonograd in #Lviv oblast, unknown people set a car and a bus on fire. Dimitry Korchinski, former head of UNA-UNSO, killed in fights near Mariupol? #BREAKING: At least 824,000 displaced by #Ukraine conflict #Donbass #NAF movements in #Donetsk spark belief there may soon be a large offensive against #Ukraine forces. #PT #Donetsk civilians ordered to leave area by #NAF and roads blocked by tanks Apparentry you can eat Merkel in Moscow. The cake is called Sweet sanctions #Russia #Germany I will be going soon to check out those reports of military build-up in #Donetsk, as the city the tensest Ive seen it in my 4 weeks here. A tight atmosphere hits #Donetsk , today, citizens told to stay indoors, reports of military build-up at city perimeters. #Ukrainewar #DPR Hopes to Free Part of #Donbass by End of November: PM < #Russia’s official media… nice;) #Donetsk A/port. Final assault underway to flush out #UA rats still scuttling about in the sewerage system and being supplied via tunnels. fighting has been sporadic around Mariupol for some time. UNA-UNSO are Banderites, Ukr Neo-Nazis. glorious ukies have already had Ilovaisk grinder now theyre gonna get Donestk Armageddon Stay safe #Donetsk: citizens told to stay indoors, reports of military build-up at city perimeters. #Novorossiya Self Defense Forces shelling #Ukraine regime positions near #Debalcevo tonight Reports that #Ukies are receiving large quantities of aviation fuel and are expected to use ground attack aircraft in coming offensive #OSCE EXPOSED @OSCE_SMM in #Ukraine @mikeybbq is a former editor of #UPA Nazi Army apologist magazine Ukraine Weekly: #Ukraine #Donbass Kiev viole les interdictions internationales : Bombes à fragmentation, Bombes au phosphore ...... #Lugansk men unload trucks of hum. supplies sent by private #Russia citizens-food, clothing. med supplies #Ukraine: All the passionate, idealistic young people joined the National Guard. Older men with combat experience joined #Donetsk rebels #Ukraine has lost 700 soldiers dead or injured during ceasefire due to accidents while stocking supplies in ammo & fuel dumps in #Donetsk Krasnogorovka: #Ukraine burned 100 of its own armored vehicles due to careless handling of fire in fuel dumps #EU SIT REP Heavy Fightings have resumed in the #Debaltsevo cauldron. Ukies have attacked #Kirovske and shelled #Nikishino. I.#Strelkov 23/10 more positive on outlook for #Novorossiya/#NAF after urgent appeal 22/10 to #RF UkroArmy suffered losses near Bakhmutovka, LNR. Lost 22 armoured. vehicles, 100 killed and this: #Kharkov, 24.10.2014 Firefight in City Partisans and SBU had a fight in Kharkov City, resulting in 3 dead. And here is one of the videos of UkroArmy losses near Bakhmutovka - (18+) youtu.be/0BV9yy8WblY Polish license plates from Krakow near Bakhmutovka? Zakharchenko expects assault on Donetsk from 4 directions of UkroArmy in next few days... Today in Ukraine, according to our records, more then 2 thousand people have been arrested... #Merkel: “#EU will discuss bridging finance to help #Ukraine pay for gas from #Russia” Let them pay MY gas bill too! #Petrovske region—Internecine conflict reported between #UA National Guard & #Aidar troops. Defections to #NAF? SIT REP Firefight between NAF and Ukies artillery between #Debaltsevo and #Verhulivka. Fightings in #Peski #Avdeevka and #Donetsk Airport #Novorossiya heroes: Dema successful one man #Ukraine tank & APC hunter What #Strelkov said about the upcoming Ukie big offensive is true given it has already started. NAF have to resist, this will be the last. Interview with young #UA soldier who has defected to #Motorola’s #NAF unit. Interesting details. S.#LAVROV—Future relations between between #Kiev and [#Novorossiya] MUST be determined through peaceful negotiations Partly out of date already at least with regard to _direct_ #RF intervention. #Strelkov #Voentorg. Massive battles ahead tho’ cluster bombs? Never happened. mass graves? Never happened. MH17? never happened. Nothing happens in East Ukraine. Nothing. Porochenko admits #Odessa massacre was to intimidate population and to prevent events like in Donbass... Ukraine army R advancing back 2 their old positions WTF is OSCE doing? they R violating Minsk and prep 4 attack Holy...: Destroyed private jet of oligarch Rinat Akhmetov at airport #Donetsk Make HISTORY. Join #Novorossiya youtu.be/9Fq_ZOoue44 UN Concerned over Reports of Cluster Bombs in Ukraines Donbass #United_Nations #World #Ukraine National Guard reps meet Canadian defense industry Canadians must be proud to help nazis.. Full Scale War Could Erupt Any Moment in East #Ukraine. Signs Are Ominous. Послание спецназа ДНР Спецназ Хмурого. youtube
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 21:32:36 +0000

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