25 Facts about my life,, was nominated by Эилй Мамикй - TopicsExpress


25 Facts about my life,, was nominated by Эилй Мамикй Нанголо 1. My name is Alinda Charity, Asaba is a family name. 2. I was born in a family of 5, me being no.4 3. I’m a God fearing Christian, love listening to gospel music. 4. I’m a shy person especially when it comes to people I’m not used to. 5. I so much love sleeping, explains why I spend most of my free time in bed. 6. I love my “me” moments. You can refer to me as an introvert! 7. My greatest fear is heights but that doesn’t stop me from trying them out anyways. 8. My favorite quote “so keep your head high, keep your chin high and most importantly keep smiling because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about” by Marilyn Monroe. 9. I always try to learn from my mistakes. “Successful people don’t quit, they keep moving even after making mistakes” 10. I love travelling, just waiting for the right moment. Dream country is Spain 11. I’m a medical student, love what Im becoming. 12. Family means a lot to me. 13. I love working out, just lazy doing it. 14. I can’t swim, tried to learn though. 15. I love being put under pressure when it comes to reading. 16. I’m leaning to love sewing and cooking! 17. I’m hard headed, especially if I’m ordered to do something. 18. I love the snow. 19. My best outfits geans with free tops, and dresses! 20. I believe that the only person I’m ever going to be good enough for is me. 21. I’m mean to people at times, not intentionally of course. 22. I miss being around family, sucks to be away at times. 23. I care too much. 24. My horoscope sign is Pisces! 25. I struggled to come up with all this And now I nominate Sarah Chomba Линлин-Лоло Мошаби Bush Miya Dani Welly
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 20:32:45 +0000

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