25 kinds of users leaving your site because ten seconds: An - TopicsExpress


25 kinds of users leaving your site because ten seconds: An automatic playing. This really makes me mad. If I visit the site it was not immediately hear unnecessary noise bombardment, I wanted to leave immediately. Play the sound automatically accept this ad publisher is the worst publisher, (they could refuse such sites, just like me), common in the hotel industry website. 2 popups. Old problems, big problems. Because we gaze inside, it never disappears. If you want to use pop bomb me, that I wanted to be pop bounce calculations directly from your site. The sooner you use pop bomb me, I leave sooner. If the popup shows only half a minute for a minute, but the content can be useful, but also to endure a little bit. 3 Insert ad. I no longer visit the Forbes website reason is that there are too many plug-in advertising. One week into the news as it changed his name to one week. Nobody likes to wait, but with the hope that things are quite different. When I click on a link when the heart is able to direct the desired point that was brought to my web page, instead of being thrown into a billboard hung a big page. 4 paging. Look ten with the subtitle of the very small picture, you really need me to connect the dots ten Down ten what? Or turned ten just to watch one obviously can be displayed in one of the top ten list? Pagination in my opinion is personal to increase your CTR lower trick. The existence of this trick, and proves to measure online advertising and purchasing standards are wrong. And it also makes a lot of owners are a deviation - this should focus on the content of energy, increase your CTR that are placed on it. 5 Slow load. No one wants to wait! For my 50 MB bandwidth paid so much money, not in order to make your website slow dead ruining my mood. If I really want to look at your page, or I really have to look at your web page, perhaps waiting for it so really. But if I was just curious, or trembling a bit more to your site, then I can not wait a few seconds to flash. 6 than for the optimization of the advertising content optimization. The extent to which people uncomfortable simply just as long load times. Some webmasters to earn advertising fees, the advertising load sequence optimization, the first after loading loading ad content. Sometimes when we are waiting for the ad when loaded successfully, the navigation bar appears before the entire page loads quickly, and then everything is stuck. Summarize this, webmasters to particularly note the slow ad servers plus a slow web, produced magical effects. 7 bad navigation bar. As a professional web designer, poorly designed navigation bar is able to put up a few fatal one. Navigation is needed is intuitive, clear description, to go straight. Flash-based website is often the worst ones. 8 Structural confusion. Hey, I just want to find my answer to the question only. If I can not find what I want quickly and efficiently, and I went somewhere else to read. Your job is to help people to filter out the information they need. This is why there is such a thing optimized and tested. 9 critical information AWOL. I recently visited pages Hoxton hotel, would like to know where he opened a room too much money. I found that after a few minutes to find no information about the room rate. (Uh, anyway, I did not find). This is so strange. BTW, Im not supposed to want to know how much the room rate, to the point of reservations in. I might as well go directly to Zeta Te hotel booked a room. Ensure that the basic information on your website has. 10 premature require registration . For the thing? Well now you have to register? Do not let me even a little sweetness to taste it? Timing is very important. 11 Too many flash scrolling stuff. I am in the Internet, the only thing I can not stand is full of flashing lights of the nightclub. Yes, they flash and is able to catch the eye roll, but always put people arrested pain. These things cause people desperate want to note that while the absolute annoying. There is a need to pay attention to the special case is that some people still this is a good port, as long as this is the style of his love! 12 spelling errors . Misspellings and grammatical errors will give visitors a bad impression. This kind of thing is really no excuse. Just spend more heart in the details, and consequently there. If you do not care about your site and your visitors will think? 13 Garbage font. You are using the Times New Roman? True da? It is ugly ah. Still, at least you are not using comic body. Normal font does not look good simply because a website or not to leave, but will leave ugly fonts on your website you do not got the idea impression. This impression on this list plus other negative factors, it may be enough to make the website you want to be a person to be Bajiao left. 14 pages is very narrow. There is 800 pixel width monitor designed websites do, let me goose bumps. Do not you think? 15 left-aligned website. Again - I do not know exactly how to explain - left-aligned website (relative to the center-aligned) looks too old, at least in my opinion. I do not know why, but always aware of these things, but I do not think this is a good design. 16. Formulaic sites. Some sites I looked really like it. In fact, I hope that all of the sites standardization, according to the most classic guidebook design. However, if the web design are the same thing will not work. Who wants it known as a copycat? 17 disrepair. I hope to see the blog on the home page or the news section, you can see signs of this site is still updated. Show titles and dates enough. If I see the latest news dated January 2004, that I might immediately went to see the other pages. 18 Subject blur. Visit the site when I want to be able to see it is to look at a website that is doing. Sometimes I do not see a minute scratching out website is doing. Description of his simple enough to understand. 19 The term / jargon. I think you can privately to this. 20 The browser is not compatible. Three days ago, Microsofts Xbox Live has just rejected the area of customer service for Google Chrome browser support. This is a wide range of errors, especially when I was a paying Xbox Live users. Browser error is really a variety of sizes of various models. Test, test, test, find out what your users feel like it. Try to avoid meddling in the browsing experience, for example, open a link in a new window. 21. Flash. Sometimes Ill stay a little longer and more websites Flash, like blocking the road with a car accident put me in there the same. But most of the time I just simply tap the Back key. I know some Flash sites, it is almost certain that there is no decent. I was only in very special circumstances to endure such sites. In this respect I am a hardliner. 22 There is no About page. Some sites seem to be about page allergy like, I simply have no idea why this is. Sometimes I visit the site is to find information about some more information on the company only, see no About page, I really despair. 23 video-only home page. Use video to introduce the company, or to explain a specific product or service is a new trend, especially for the new company. If you have time I can see a three-minute short films, but I think you gotta tie point text it, faster, on the site search optimization is also good. 24. Silly very amateur. Some websites no vitality, no personality, is a uniform mold. Other people seem far more than the realm of your website, and you do not know how to catch. Both aspects will be your sites hind legs, put your visitors outward. 25. The color fail . Bad color will make you hard to read content on the site. And if your website can not be read, then read more do not think people will move along on your site.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 20:52:15 +0000

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