27 months! Loads and loads of paperwork for two countries, two - TopicsExpress


27 months! Loads and loads of paperwork for two countries, two trips to Ukraine, and tons of money for this day! Vlad Novikov Ray is an American citizen! These last 27 months have been a roller coaster of emotions and working with a young man who had no future (in fact most of his friends in Ukraine are now dead) to help him realize that instead of being stupid (like he was told his whole life) that he is actually very smart and that he has an amazing future. To go the one step forward, three steps back to where we are today. He is doing well in school and has a job where they absolutely love him. His face is changing, thanks to his braces, and his attitude has changed dramatically, thanks to constant love and parenting. For the boy who constantly said he couldnt wait to go back to Ukraine to be with his friends, he is now the young man looking at a great future here in his new country. It takes a braveness that Im not sure any of us can imagine to leave everything youve ever known, even though it was bad, to come across the world to live in a different country with people you barely know. And at 15, almost 16 years of age. But he did it. And now he is an American, and happy. For those bringing home teen orphans take heart. He is not the same Vlad we brought home. The angry, moody, dont hug me or I will hit you Vlad has been transformed. The kid that drank and smoked and just walked out of the house anytime he wanted to has been replaced with a young man who has manners, says he is sorry and asks permission for just about everything. He hugs all day long and is quick to laugh and smile. He prides himself that he is learning American humor and sarcasm from his dad. His teachers love him and so do the people he works with. We are so proud of the hard work he has done. We love you Vlad!
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 00:23:31 +0000

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