273 FREE COLLEGE-LEVEL COURSES STARTING IN JANUARY 2015 https://class-central/report/mooc-course-report-jan-2015 MY 35 TOP PICKS: Jan 1, 2015 *** ASTROBIOLOGY AND THE SEARCH FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE >>> The University of Edinburgh (via Coursera) Learn about the origin and evolution of life and the search for life beyond the Earth. https://coursera.org/learn/astrobiology Jan 2, 2015 *** LEARNING HOW TO LEARN >>> UC San Diego (via Coursera) Whether you are an outstanding or a struggling student, Learning How to Learn will give you powerful mental tools that will help you learn more effectively in tough-to-master subjects. You will discover practical, immediately useful insights that will help you to more deeply master your studies. https://coursera.org/course/learning Jan 3, 2015 *** GEOSPATIAL INTELLIGENCE & THE GEOSPATIAL REVOLUTION >>> Pennsylvania State University (via Coursera) Learn how the revolution in geospatial technology combined with the tradecraft of Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) have changed how we develop insights about how humans use geography, and discover the power of GEOINT. https://coursera.org/course/geoint Jan 3, 2015 *** THE MUSIC OF THE ROLLING STONES, 1962-1974 >>> University of Rochester (via Coursera) This course will survey the music of the Rolling Stones, beginning with the roots and first formation of the band in the early 1960s, and following the group through the release of Its Only Rock n Roll in late 1974. https://coursera.org/course/rollingstones Jan 5, 2015 *** THINK AGAIN: HOW TO REASON AND ARGUE >>> Duke University (via Coursera) Reasoning is important. This course will teach you how to do it well. You will learn how to understand and assess arguments by other people and how to construct good arguments of your own about whatever matters to you. https://coursera.org/course/thinkagain Jan 5, 2015 *** REGRESSION MODELS >>> Johns Hopkins (via Coursera) Linear models, as their name implies, relates an outcome to a set of predictors of interest using linear assumptions. Regression models, a subset of linear models, are the most important statistical analysis tool in a data scientist’s toolkit. This course covers regression analysis, least squares and inference using regression models. Special cases of the regression model, ANOVA and ANCOVA will be covered as well. Analysis of residuals and variability will be investigated. The course will cover modern thinking on model selection and novel uses of regression models including scatterplot smoothing. https://coursera.org/course/regmods Jan 5, 2015 *** PRACTICAL MACHINE LEARNING >>> Johns Hopkins (via Coursera) One of the most common tasks performed by data scientists and data analysts are prediction and machine learning. This course will cover the basic components of building and applying prediction functions with an emphasis on practical applications. The course will provide basic grounding in concepts such as training and tests sets, overfitting, and error rates. The course will also introduce a range of model based and algorithmic machine learning methods including regression, classification trees, Naive Bayes, and random forests. The course will cover the complete process of building prediction functions including data collection, feature creation, algorithms, and evaluation. https://coursera.org/course/predmachlearn Jan 6, 2015 *** FORESTS AND LIVELIHOODS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES >>> University of British Columbia (via edX) Explore how people in developing countries depend on forests for medicines, wild foods, energy, livelihoods, and well-being. https://edx.org/course/forests-livelihoods-developing-countries-ubcx-forest222x Jan 6, 2015 *** GALAXIES AND COSMOLOGY >>> Caltech (via Coursera) An introduction to the modern extragalactic astronomy and cosmology, the physical universe, big bang, formation and evolution of galaxies, quasars, and large-scale structure. https://coursera.org/course/cosmo Jan 7, 2015 *** VISUAL PERCEPTION AND THE BRAIN >>> Duke University (via Coursera) The course will consider how what we see is generated by the visual system, and what visual perception indicates about how the brain works. The evidence will be drawn from neuroscience, psychology, science history and philosophy. Although the discussions will be informed by visual system anatomy and physiology, the focus is on perception. https://coursera.org/course/visualpercepbrain Jan 8, 2015 *** GREATER CHINA TODAY: THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC, TAIWAN, AND HONG KONG >>> Harvard University (via edX) This course explores China’s transformation from empire to nation; its dramatic encounter with the era of imperialism; the rise of alternative models for a modern China; and the prospects for Chinese leadership in the 21st century. https://edx.org/course/china-part-10-greater-china-today-harvardx-sw12-10x Jan 12, 2015 *** FOUNDATIONS OF VIRTUAL INSTRUCTION >>> University of California, Irvine (via Coursera) Learn what it takes to teach a K-12 course online, investigate the history of virtual education, explore innovative tools, and examine key issues related to K-12 virtual instruction. https://coursera.org/course/virtualinstruction Jan 12, 2015 *** BEAUTY, FORM & FUNCTION: AN EXPLORATION OF SYMMETRY >>> Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (via Coursera) Learn how to identify symmetrical forms and appreciate their importance in nature, art, architecture, crystallography and technology. https://coursera.org/course/ntusym Jan 12, 2015 *** THE MAGNA CARTA AND ITS LEGACY >>> University of London (via Coursera) This course aims to lead students into a greater appreciation for and an understanding of Magna Carta and its significance around the globe, as we approach the 800th anniversary of its sealing. The course examines why Magna Carta was radical in its day, why it has been a source of numerous debates, and why this anniversary is being celebrated in the present. https://coursera.org/course/magnacarta Jan 12, 2015 *** REASON AND PERSUASION: THINKING THROUGH THREE DIALOGUES BY PLATO >>> National University of Singapore (via Coursera) In this course we will study Platos ancient art of blowing up your beliefs as you go, to make sure theyre built to last. We spend six weeks studying three Platonic dialogues, then two more weeks pondering a pair of footnotes to Plato; that is, we will consider some contemporary manifestations of issues Plato discusses. Our focus will be: moral theory and moral psychology. https://coursera.org/course/reasonandpersuasion Jan 12, 2015 *** SUBSISTENCE MARKETPLACES >>> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (via Coursera) Gain knowledge about subsistence marketplaces and use it in different parts of the world to make a difference. The broader aim of this course is for you to consider the global challenge of poverty and envision a better world by designing solutions based on sound understanding. https://coursera.org/course/subsistence Jan 12, 2015 *** IDEA GENERATION METHODS >>> Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (via Iversity) Participants will learn methods such as Mindmapping & Clustering, 6-3-5, World Cafe & DeBono Hats, Concept Mapping, Scenario Techniques ( e.g. STEEP), Roadmapping and many more. https://iversity.org/en/courses/idea-generation-methods Jan 12, 2015 *** INTRODUCTION TO CLASSICAL MUSIC >>> Yale University (via Coursera) Using a simple and enjoyable teaching style, this course introduces the novice listener to the wonders of classical music, from Bach fugues to Mozart symphonies to Puccini operas. https://coursera.org/course/introclassicalmusic Jan 13, 2015 *** PUBLIC SPEAKING: JOIN THE TALK AND SPREAD THE WORD >>> Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona (via Iversity) The course enables participants to learn tricks and tips to enhance their presentations and therefore feel comfortable while presenting. In addition to taking the course and exchanging with peers, we expect participants to develop an understanding of different communication styles which they can subsequently apply to their daily conversations. https://iversity.org/en/courses/public-speaking-join-the-talk-spread-the-word Jan 15, 2015 *** CIRCADIAN CLOCKS: HOW RHYTHMS STRUCTURE LIFE >>> Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (via Coursera) Have you ever wondered why some people sleep later or earlier than others or why your sleep times are seasonal? Did you know that even fungi make spores earlier or later than their relatives each day? Daily rhythms – from gene expression to behaviour – are everywhere in nature and they form a web of rhythmic interactions – from bees to blossoms to moles to hawks. That we are earlier or later than our neighbours or even than family members is due to a combination of our genes, our age and our environment. In this Coursera offering, you will be taught about the science of chronobiology, with a specific emphasis on daily or circadian clocks. We will discuss a variety of biological clock systems from bacteria to humans and will explain how circadian systems are organised from the molecular mechanisms that generate the daily rhythms to the many ways that circadian clocks control our lives. https://coursera.org/course/circaclock Jan 19, 2015 *** GREENING THE ECONOMY: LESSONS FROM SCANDINAVIA >>> Lund University, Sweden (via Coursera) This course will explore greening the economy on four levels – individual, business, city, and nation. We will look at the relationships between these levels and give many practical examples of the complexities and solutions across the levels. Scandinavia, a pioneering place advancing sustainability and combating climate change, is a unique starting point for learning about greening the economy. We will learn from many initiatives attempted in Scandinavia since the 1970s, which are all potentially helpful and useful for other countries and contexts. https://coursera.org/course/greeningtheeconomy Jan 19, 2015 *** OUR EARTH: ITS CLIMATE, HISTORY, AND PROCESSES >>> University of Manchester (via Coursera) This course focuses on a basic science understanding that demonstrates how the processes on Earth (including biological processes) lead to natural climate changes that have shaped the planet and the path of evolution. Students are challenged to think of the Earth as an integrated system made up of water, air, ice, land, and life. https://coursera.org/course/ourearth Jan 19, 2015 *** EMPIRE: THE CONTROVERSIES OF BRITISH IMPERIALISM >>> University of Exeter (via FutureLearn) The British Empire was the largest empire ever seen. It ruled over a quarter of the world’s population and paved the way for today’s global economy. But British imperialism isn’t without controversy, and it continues to cause enormous disagreement among historians today. https://futurelearn/courses/empire Jan 19, 2015 *** SHAKESPEARES HAMLET: TEXT, PERFORMANCE AND CULTURE >>> University of Birmingham (via FutureLearn) Hamlet is the most famous play ever written and the masterpiece of the most important writer in English, William Shakespeare. Its themes of mortality, madness and political succession have given it an enduring fascination - Hamlet has been translated into every major language and adapted for every new medium since it was written. https://futurelearn/courses/shakespeares-hamlet Jan 19, 2015 *** EINFüHRUNG IN COMPUTER VISION >>> Technische Universität München (via Coursera) Dieser Kurs vermittelt einen Überblick über die Grundlagen des Maschinellen Sehens an Hand der Extraktion von 3D-Information aus dem Stereokamerabild einer Szene. https://coursera.org/course/compvision Jan 19, 2015 *** История и теория медиа >>> Higher School of Economics, Moscow (via Coursera) Знакомит с теоретическим наследием в области медиа, обучает основным подходам к теоретическому анализу медиа и прослеживает логику развития медиасистем в современных обществах. https://coursera.org/course/media Jan 19, 2015 *** INITIATION À LA THÉORIE DES DISTRIBUTIONS >>> École Polytechnique, Paris (via Coursera) Une fonction discontinue peut-elle être solution dune équation différentielle? Comment définir rigoureusement la masse de Dirac (une fonction dintégrale un, nulle partout sauf en un point) et ses dérivées? Peut-on définir une notion de dérivée dordre fractionnaire? Cette initiation aux distributions répond à ces questions - et à bien dautres. https://coursera.org/course/distributions Jan 20, 2015 *** SURVEILLANCE LAW >>> Stanford University (via Coursera) This course explores how American law facilitates electronic surveillance—but also substantially constrains it. You will learn the legal procedures that police and intelligence agencies have at their disposal, as well as the security and privacy safeguards built into those procedures. The material also provides brief, not-too-geeky technical explanations of some common surveillance methods. https://coursera.org/course/surveillance Jan 20, 2015 *** ELECTRONIC INTERFACES: BRIDGING THE PHYSICAL AND DIGITAL WORLDS >>> UC Berkeley (via edX) EE40LX teaches the fundamentals for engineering electronic interfaces between the physical world and digital devices. Students can expect to cover the material of a traditional first circuits course with a project-based approach. We start with essential theory and develop an understanding of the building blocks of electronics as we analyze, design, and build different parts of a robot from scratch around the Texas Instruments MSP430 microcontroller. https://edx.org/course/electronic-interfaces-bridging-physical-uc-berkeleyx-ee40lx Jan 20, 2015 *** JAZZ APPRECIATION >>> The University of Texas at Austin (via edX) Listen and learn about the artists, eras, and musical methods that make jazz a great original art form. https://edx.org/course/jazz-appreciation-utaustinx-ut-8-02x Jan 20, 2015 *** BASES MATEMáTICAS: NÚMEROS Y TERMINOLOGÍA >>> Universitat Politècnica de Valencia (via edX) Se repasan los conceptos básicos de conjuntos, la terminología básica y las propiedades fundamentales de los números (reales y complejos). https://edx.org/course/bases-matematicas-numeros-y-terminologia-upvalenciax-bmn101x Jan 21, 2015 *** STONEHENGE >>> The University of Buckingham (via Iversity) The most spectacular monument of the Neolithic is now a British icon and a World Heritage Site. Explore 5,000 years of Stonehenge and discover your own response to this enigmatic stone circle. https://iversity.org/en/courses/stonehenge Jan 26, 2015 *** ARCHAEOLOGY OF PORTUS: EXPLORING THE LOST HARBOUR OF ANCIENT ROME >>> University of South Hampton (via FutureLearn) The Roman harbour city of Portus lay at the heart of an empire that extended from Scotland to Iraq. Established by Claudius and enlarged by the emperor Trajan with spoils of the Dacian wars, the port was the conduit for everything the city of Rome required from its Mediterranean provinces: the food and, particularly grain, that fed the largest urban population of the ancient world, as well as luxuries of all kinds, building materials, people and wild animals for the arena. https://futurelearn/courses/portus Jan 26, 2015 *** GAMIFICATION >>> Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (via Coursera) Gamification is the application of game elements and digital game design techniques to non-game problems, such as business and social impact challenges. This course will teach you the mechanisms of gamification, why it has such tremendous potential, and how to use it effectively. https://coursera.org/course/gamification Jan 26, 2015 *** PHYSICAL THEATRE: MEYERHOLD AND BIOMECHANICS >>> University of Leeds (via FutureLearn) This short three-week course introduces you to world-renowned Russian director Meyerhold’s technique of biomechanics, inviting you to experience first-hand his revolutionary approach to acting – the biomechanical études. You will learn about the techniques and find out more about the history of physical theatre including Meyerhold’s contribution to its development and how, nearly 100 years later, his work is still influencing us today. https://futurelearn/courses/physical-theatre
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 21:48:31 +0000

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