3 Key factors...Praise no matter what, Thankfulness no matter what - TopicsExpress


3 Key factors...Praise no matter what, Thankfulness no matter what in all things and acting as though the devil doesnt exist..The other 2 we already work on for the majority of us..but the whole devil thing needs some work..the biggest battle isnt the devil, its yourself, Once you focus on the self you lose focus on that thing then there is no affect from that.. ..how you perceive situations, receive situations and react to situations are the 3 key factors of the self that needs to be worked on the most..from those three your personality and outlook are created and then actions come from that.... Evil is always present within, you have to acknowledge it and overcome it ( Rom 7:21) ..You can rebuke the devil all day long and he may flee, but the only way you cant run from yourself, you can only face it..then you must either give in or mortify it..thats the only 2 options you have
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 07:24:11 +0000

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