3 LIES ABOUT FOOD YOURE USED TO HEARING AND MIGHT EVEN BELIEVE Ya know, I never really entered into the whole GMO (Genetic modified organism) debate regarding food and livestock, where pesticides and chemicals are spread over or injected into our foods - This happens because were told that it preserves the food longer and gives us bigger portions...The reason why I dont enter into these debates is because well, like most of us, I go through phases of eating better and then not so much BUT PERHAPS THIS WILL CHANGE NOW!! Im hoping so!! But for the sake of this writing, Ill admit also, that I am not that educated on the topic and so Ill stay with the idea here that I want the foods I want and I want them for value!! For example, I went into 2 popular Chicken Restaurants within the last 4-5 months and what an interesting experiment ---- POLLO LOCO (earlier this month) and KFC (was about 4-5 months ago). Wanting to eat healthy (Pollo loco, while a healthier alternative to KFC is loaded with salt), I was ordering white meat chicken breasts at both places. At KFC, however, these were nice size...but when I recently went to Pollo Loco, I saw these 2 little pieces chicken, so small in fact, that I thought it was a joke...that any minute Alan Funt was going to pop out and tell me I was on Candid Camera, if you get my drift. So I asked the girl why were these pieces SO SMALL? She said it was because they used ALL NATURAL chickens. I assumed this means they dont inject chemicals into their chickens when they receive them nor do the farmers from where they purchase them...BUT WAIT!!! These pieces of chicken were the same price as KFC, in fact, perhaps a little more!!! Well, Im like any consumer, I want a good deal - I want value!! I want as much as I can get of what I want for the lowest price!! So I was not only disappointed with the portion size but realized I might need to order more and felt ripped off for having to pay so much!! Is this ridiculous, insane thinking in this case? Is this greed? Is this just asking for health trouble or do I just know what I want? I dont know, perhaps, perhaps not but then, education is the key here and I have to look at the big picture. If the foods I eat, over time are not healthy for me, I get sick...They breed disease, whether it be from having too much weight on my frame, or other more direct approaches like DIRECTLY attacking certain parts of my body, namely my vital internal organs and body parts, kidneys, heart, liver, gall bladder but also, the stomach, colon, eyes, brain and others. If Ive left any off, forgive me, Im not a doctor and actually never played one on TV either In any case, when I come across something I find of interest in this regard, I post it...AS I mentioned above, I go through phases and I am on a VERY Healthy phase now...Who knows, maybe Ill become a champion of this cause, or maybe perhaps just a quiet practitioner - But you watch this and decide for yourself! To your health
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 17:15:20 +0000

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