3 Lesser-Known Ways to Achieve Beautiful Skin - TopicsExpress


3 Lesser-Known Ways to Achieve Beautiful Skin b4in.org/c5JM When it comes to natural health, we should really focus on both what we put in and on our bodies. Our skin is the largest organ in our body, yet many people—even those concerned with toxins in their food and water—will slather expensive products with unknown ingredients on it at the first sign of a wrinkle, zit, or age spot. These expensive products can be very dangerous, as they may contain ingredients proven to cause cancerous changes or alter hormones. But there are alternatives. Natural skin solutions are easy to come by, and can even be highly effective at treating a variety of skin conditions. You don’t need an unknown potion-in-a-bottle to help your skin stay healthy, merely some more education on natural skin care treatments. While there are many places to look for natural skin care suggestions, we recently ran across an article over at MindBodyGreen where Ayurvedic practitioner and writer Yogi Cameron talks about the ancient practice of Ayurveda and how it relates to skin health. We already outlined how you can utilize coconut oil for healthy skin and various natural remedies for dry skin and acne, but it’s always good to learn of different approaches. Using Ayurveda to Achieve Beautiful Skin Ayurveda is the ancient Indian health practice that seeks to align mind, body, and spirit with natural foods and health solutions that work with the idea of energies or life forces known as dosha and how they affect the body’s constitution. The practice has been around for thousands of years. Yogi Cameron draws on Ayurveda to offer three solutions for troubled skin. These aren’t your normal natural skin care suggestions and one in particular seems to fly in the face of common natural health knowledge, but they are worth a look. 1. Limit Salad Intake - Yep, Yogi Cameron says salads could be to blame for your troubled skin, mostly because leafy greens and raw vegetables are difficult for your digestive system. Unlike the raw lifestyle, Ayurveda recommends cooked foods because they are reportedly more easily digested. If this sounds logical to you, Cameron suggests you only eat salads after a meal and never in the same meal as a soup. There’s one point of view. More b4in.org/c5JM
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 06:07:52 +0000

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