3 Reasons Why HYPOXI™ is a Better Alternative to - TopicsExpress


3 Reasons Why HYPOXI™ is a Better Alternative to Liposuction Posted on December 29, 2011 by Hypoxi Orlando HYPOXI is a Better Alternative to Liposuction If you’re struggling to lose those last few pounds and inches, you might have considered liposuction or liposculpture to lose that fat for good. While surgery is effective for getting rid of that stubborn fat permanently, there are still lots of risks involved. What most people don’t realize is that when fat is removed from one body part, the body will increase fat storage somewhere else. Several studies show that fat removed with liposuction ends up going somewhere else when you gain any weight. This means you could spend thousands of dollars having fat removed from your stomach and then find you gained extra weight in your thighs a few months later. HYPOXI™ is an effective, non-invasive alternative to liposuction. Our innovative body reshaping and contouring program targets fat unlike anything else you’ve tried and doesn’t involve any type of surgery. HYPOXI™ Therapy has consistently yielded amazing results after just two weeks and involves a completely natural process. Here are just three reasons why HYPOXI™ is a better alternative to liposuction: 1. The fat won’t be redistributed elsewhere. HYPOXI™ Therapy is a natural, non-invasive and targeted body shaping program which means you’ll lose the stubborn body fat in the areas that you want to as opposed to unwanted areas during normal cardio workouts. As long as you continue to exercise and eat sensibly after your HYPOXI training is completed, your body will remain leaner and the fat will not return. With liposuction, you can easily regain weight back and the fat will be deposited into an area where you didn’t have surgery. Many people end up with figures that are completely out of proportion when they regain weight after liposuction. This situation just isn’t possible when you do HYPOXI™! 2. It’s a natural way to lose weight. HYPOXI™ works because it boosts your metabolism and by way of its unique combination of moderate exercise and vacuum therapy it helps your body to get rid of extra fat stores and not the extra carbohydrate stores. There are no pills or injections involved – HYPOXI™ is simply a targeted workout that can help you lose body fat naturally. Liposuction isn’t recommended for losing weight and is usually performed for cosmetic reasons. It is an extensive surgery that will leave you with scars from the cannula entry points and may not even give you natural-looking results. Many people complain of dimpled and uneven skin. It can also result in death from the shock of the surgery on the body. 3. You reduce the chances of having sagging or loose skin after fat loss. When you combine the HYPOXI™ Dermology session with the HYPOXI™ Trainer, you’ll not only lose body fat in the targeted areas but will also tighten and tone the skin. When you have fat removed with liposuction, you’re usually left with skin folds and loose skin that can take several months to “bounce back”. HYPOXI™ Therapy will tighten, train and tone your skin as the fat goes away, leaving you with a smooth and streamlined appearance. Get Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat with HYPOXI™ Therapy
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 16:59:39 +0000

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