3 more of them I fell upon with my claws impaling one on each arm - TopicsExpress


3 more of them I fell upon with my claws impaling one on each arm while crushing the third underfoot as I landed.. their greenish foul blood spraying my onyx armour. Wow I hate gaunts .... damnable bugs are every where on this ship. High Commander Duez the Void Tongue wanted this ship by any means.... even if meant sacrificing my band of warriors to get the job done... {grinning to him self} that, would never come to pass. His death was fore told on the winds of chaos to be soon as he who crosses the greater powers is soon to fall pray to their suffering unrelenting! Just then Erum spun on the back of his left heel lashing out in a double defensive strike catching a gene stealer square in the chest with his paragon claws ripping it open in mid flight just in time to plant his right foot through the body of the second advancing creature with a swift front kick. More of them where charging down the corridor hissing and barking through their foaming maws. Erum braced him self from the coming alien attack but then he threw him self to his left as heavy bolter fire roared from behind him now chewing up the Tryanid horde from brothers Harken and Iurai. Laughter raged on from brother Harken as the xeno where cut down.Heavy Bolter rounds cracked and burst through the boney body armour of the genestealer. When the noise was over Erum turned on the 2 havoc marines screaming through the vox channel that they almost hit him in the back. The twins Harken and Iurai started to laugh but their laughter was cut short with the might of Eurms hands force pushing Harken back and Iurai knocking, screaming and the other way. And the 2nd wave was also cut short as a 3rd, 4th and 5th havoc marines did there duty..... and then it happened.... the ship was was begin fired upon from the pout side. {Curse!!! What is it now!?!?} Over the public Vox channel it could be heard .... Another Chaos war ship by the name death by your hands appeared from the warp and they want my Ship!!Erum then charged alone down the corridor to the bridge room....... but would he make it in time Story: 40K free hand Writen: by SirMarqus T. Kane
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 11:56:32 +0000

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