#3 – Final Production Due dates Points Pre-Production Materials - TopicsExpress


#3 – Final Production Due dates Points Pre-Production Materials see below 200 pts. Movie Finals 100 pts. Sound Design Finals 50 pts. Export/Backup (screener & data) Finals 50 pts. You will produce a 4-7 minute short movie by working individually and out of class time on an unproduced, original script of your choosing. The goal is for you to reinforce the technical and organizational processes from previous projects as well as demonstrate an enhanced knowledge of motion picture aesthetics. You will be critiqued individually on your ability to: • Present a coherent pre-production plan (detailed below). • Follow your pre-production plan to shoot and edit your story, meeting all deadlines. • Apply the aesthetic concepts discussed in class to a short movie production. Due by 1/30 at 12:30, on blackboard – Pre-Production: 1. Write a treatment, which should include a short description of the story, genre and tone, a scene by scene plot description, your ability to acquire the needed actors and locations, and any concerns with props/costumes/make-up/special effects/sound effects/music/etc. 2. Assemble audition call (post on stlauditions, facebook, on-campus, elsewhere). Due by 3/6 at 12:30, on blackboard – Pre-Production: 1. Present the typed script in pdf format. 2. Conduct auditions (collect signed Cast Release Forms from each cast member) 3. Scout for locations (collect signed Location Release Forms for each location). Due by 3/27 at 12:30, in class – Pre-Production: 1. Present Marked Up Script, Shot Lists and Storyboards. 2. Have you reserved your equipment? Due by 4/3 at 12:30, in class – Pre-Production: 1. Organize the pre-production binder (NOT ACCEPTED AFTER SHOOT BEGINS). a. A Title Page (Name of Script, Name of Group, Author(s), Date Printed). b. A Story/Scene Synopsis of the Script (3-5 lines). c. Floor Plan for each scene. d. Breakdowns for each scene. e. Call Sheets-print out AND email to cast/crew/me for each shoot date. f. Mock Budget g. Prop/Costume/Equipment List. h. Creative Team Bio’s (short blurb on each non-actor working on the project). i. A Production Schedule (list of shoot dates) j. All Actor Release Forms and Location Release Forms. 2. Conduct rehearsals with actors. After Full Prospectus Submitted-4/17 – Production Staging/Lighting/Shooting: 1. All crew should arrive 60-90 minutes before actors, to set up. 2. Use the pre-production tools for EFFICIENCY! (SHOOT OUT OF SEQUENCE). Between 4/17 and 5/1 – Post Production: 1. Load the footage onto a hard drive, cut away. 2. Complete Sound Design assignment for this project. For 5/8 at 12:30pm – Final Screening: 1. Burn 1 Data-DVD with both copies of your movie (H264 QuickTime AND Uncompressed QuickTime), the FCP project files, music/sound effects and all PRIVATE folders. 2. Burn a screener DVD, and make copies for all cast and crew. 3. Sit back and relax… Grading Want to know what grade you’ll get before you turn in the project? Use this list to find out! The closer this project gets to a professional looking movie, the better grade you’ll get…you may have to shoot each scene multiple times, and that’s ok. Do it until it’s done right! How to receive an A for this project: - Choose a script idea that is within your abilities to produce (actors, locations, EFX, etc.); - Write a script that looks professional (using Celtx or some other scripting program); - Complete and submit all preproduction documents by their assigned deadlines; - Reserve all needed equipment for your shoot date with Media Services; - Produce a 4-7 minute movie that substantially follows your pre-production plan; - Compose your shots professionally (with a tripod), considering the rule of thirds, fore/mid/background, positive and negative space; - Backup your original files and manage your FCP Project properly; - Edit a clean, professional looking movie with no editing mistakes. - Normalize your primary audio levels (-3 to -6dB), and place your secondary audio (music, sound effects, etc.) behind; - Place a title card at the beginning of your project, and rolling credits at the end; - Export both an uncompressed quicktime AND an H.264 version of your project; - Create a screener DVD for the final screening, and make copies for your actors/crew. - Back up all data onto a data-DVD for archival/portfolio purposes. Ways Past Students Have Lost Points: - Missing deadlines; - Turn in a handwritten script or script that does not follow professional conventions; - Failing to turn in any of the pre-production materials, or turn in handwritten work; - Scrapping your pre-production plan and shooting/submitting something totally different; - Having someone else run your camera (you must shoot your own work, and cannot appear in your own project…who’s taking this class, you or someone else?); - Failing to use a tripod when shooting ANY scene; - Failing to use the shotgun mic and boom for any scenes with dialog; - Waiting until the last week to get actors/locations/etc. or to reserve equipment; - Failing to back up your raw files from the SD card; - Saving your files on the Mac hard drive or the desktop; - Leaving black space/unwanted edits in your final project timeline. - Forgetting your title card or rolling credits. - Not showing up for the final critique session. - Not returning gear to Media Circulation, or turning in gear late without an extension.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 11:50:36 +0000

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