32 likes, 12 shares and 42 comments (and counting) later Im - TopicsExpress


32 likes, 12 shares and 42 comments (and counting) later Im humbled by the support and love Ive been getting from all of you. When I first started writing and decided to spill my life into my lyrics I was ridiculed and put down by those closest to me. I didnt give up- I tightened up my jaw, wiped my tears stopped seeking ppls approvals and stopped doing things to please others. Realizing that the only opinion that mattered was that of my own and that of my bank account (which still needs some work lol) was one of the best things to ever happen to me. Dont ever let anyone tell you youre not capable of accomplishing something.. anything, ANYTHING is possible if you really want it. YOU is the key word- YOU are whats going to motivate YOU to do what YOU want! I almost caught two felonies and hit rock bottom HARD.. Im still fighting them off. I lost a lot during that time and Im still suffering from that shit, I got a second chance to fix my life though. So I took that and hit the ground running, nothing is cool about being bad or doing stupid things. My goal is to inspire individuals that may be able to somehow relate to my story, which gets a lot deeper than a #16BarChallenge. Every time you guys take time out of your lives to support my music you aide me on that journey and I love each and everyone of you for that. #respect to all of you - #ULYSSES
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 08:06:37 +0000

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