41 years, the strongest typhoon has caused eight people dead - TopicsExpress


41 years, the strongest typhoon has caused eight people dead Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan Typhoon RAMMASUN Maximum wind up 17, has weakened into a severe tropical storm; Guangdong and Guangxi provinces, about 200 million people were affected two July 20, 2014 Sunday, Beijing News Share: 18, super typhoon Haikou City, fishing boats into port sheltered in the waves of ups and downs. Figure / CFP 18, RAMMASUN before landing, Zhanjiang Xuwen county a moving motorcycle was blown down by strong winds. 19, Keller Road, Guangxi Fangchenggang port area is flood soaked. 19, RAMMASUN hit the western region of Guangdong, the town of Hoi large banana Zhanjiang Xuwen County forest were blown down. 18 pm to 19 in the morning, super typhoon RAMMASUN has in China, Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi Provinces landed three times so far, has killed at least eight people were killed and many suffered heavy losses. The maximum wind reached 17 RAMMASUN since 1973 in southern coastal strongest typhoon landed. As of now, Hainan due to RAMMASUN causing houses to collapse and the deaths of five people; in Guangxi, RAMMASUN landing killing three people, three of them seriously. As of yesterday, Guangdong and Guangxi approximately 200 million people were affected. Hainan relief disappeared when two cadres In Hainan, Typhoon RAMMASUN To the provinces 19 cities and counties affected to varying degrees, a large number of houses were blown down, crop, severe infrastructure damage, some of the roads, bridges were destroyed. The worst-hit counties of Wenchang, Haikou, Qionghai, Chengmai, be safe. According to CCTV News official microblogging reported that as at 3:00 on the 19th, RAMMASUN has caused one death in Wenchang City, Hainan, Changjiang County, two cadres missing in relief, Wuzhishan have two missing. According to Xinhua Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi three provinces will still be locally heavy rain National Disaster Reduction Committee, Ministry of Civil Affairs has for impact RAMMASUN to Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan Provinces life of the masses caused by the disaster emergency start national Ⅳ level emergency response, sent a work team to the disaster area, view the situation and help make disaster the basic living relief work. Reporters learned from the Central Meteorological Observatory, the 19th in the afternoon, RAMMASUN has weakened into a severe tropical storm level, 17:00 maximum wind 10 (25 m / sec). Central Meteorological Observatory predicted, RAMMASUN speed of about 20 kilometers per hour will continue to move north west, the intensity will be further weakened. Affected by its remnants, the next 24 hours and southern coastal wind is still large, Guangxi, southern and western, central and southern Yunnan, southwestern Guizhou and other places with heavy rain or rain, heavy rain in some areas. According to Xinhua News Agency ■ readings Typhoon Sign in number Since 1949, more than three times of typhoons landed there 12, August 1990 typhoon yancy Four landed in China; Among them, three landing of three provinces have seven, and RAMMASUN as landing in Hainan , Guangxi, Guangdong, a total of 2, respectively, in 1971 and 1984 7109 8410 Typhoon Typhoon. Log in wind RAMMASUN When you first log wind speed of 60 m / s, wind speed after landing areas in mainland China more than 50 m / sec or more typhoons as well as Sang beauty, Sally, Muggles, Wanda Kanu , Nina , Percy , are causing a greater loss. Among them, 10 August 2006 landing station town of Cangnan, Zhejiang, Typhoon Ma Saomai landing wind speed is 17, since 1949 is the strongest typhoon landed in China, Zhejiang and Fujian provinces because of Sang beauty of resulting in 450 deaths, 138 people missing. ■ on site Haikou: while several cargo ship was blown on the breakwater Super Typhoon No. 9 this year, RAMMASUN landing after the 18th hit Hainan, Guangdong and Guangxi Provinces. Reporters rushed to the affected areas is more serious, after witnessing the devastation of the typhoon. Xuwen: I did not pour the banana is hard to find. RAMMASUN when Xuwen County, Guangdong Long Town secondary landing, maximum wind 17. Reporters last night at NBC headquarters in Xuwen County, witnessed the power of the typhoon. Headquarters building was blown pieces of glass, rain screech on the glass, the wind rolled leaves flying in the air. Due to rain greater visibility less than tens of meters. 19 am, reporters in the RAMMASUN landed Xuwen county to see the road everywhere are uprooted trees, street lights were blown down, a lot of broken auto glass can be blown. Many repair electric vehicles, street maintenance vehicles on the road shuttle. The county is still in the water, power status, mobile communications intermittent. Xuwen County Committee in charge of agriculture Lee told reporters that the disaster heavy agricultural losses. Before the 18th typhoon landed, reporters on the way to Xuwen had seen large tracts of banana trees and other crops were uprooted. RAMMASUN In at 19:30 on the 18th after landing, the wind continued until midnight in Xuwen County, a little more is not completely stop. In addition to the pineapple, the other basic crops were destroyed, and now still difficult to find a stand of banana trees, a lot of sugar cane have also been blown off, while the aquaculture industry has been largely destroyed, many reservoirs severe flooding. Lee said. According to Xinhua News Agency North Sea: Felt the whole building was moving. Typhoon RAMMASUN In the coastal areas of Guangxi, Guangxi Fangchenggang, Beihai, Qinzhou and Chongzuo, etc. become the worst-hit areas. Reporters saw in Guangxi Fangchenggang, the prevalence of more than 12 coastal winds, low visibility in cities, on the road everywhere winds are blowing debris, many branches was blown off, some of the boxes, street lamps were blown bad. Fangchenggang City area heavy rains to heavy rainfall, the current urban water and electricity, a large number of trees due to high winds lodging, and even uprooted, urban waterlogging serious. Gulf gas station at Fangchenggang immortal, the staff stopped refueling operations, the tanker was also wrapped with plastic sheeting. Staff said: Typhoon too, fueling insecurity, safety first. Reporter tried to get to the curb, but simply can not stand too much wind. Guangxi Beihai, a transformer was blown to the ground, a lot of thick branches were scraped off, a middle of the road the whole fence destroyed, causing part of the road blocked. 2:00, part of the region Beihai interruption of electricity supply. Black street lights on the road, the wind whistling, tall windows creaked in the wind and ping-pong, street parked vehicles siren after another. In past years the North Sea have typhoon, but did not this much, when I feel the wind largest in the whole building move. Beihai public Dai Yanhui said. According to Xinhua News Agency ■ ask Log in three times a day is still raging, RAMMASUN How to Make? Southwest kept warm and humid maritime airstream injection energy so powerful In less than a days time, this years Typhoon No. 9 RAMMASUN three landed in China, becoming a typhoon this year, the greatest impact on China. It has what features? How powerful? What is the path of its development? Path movement speed weird From the 18th to the 19th in the morning in the afternoon, RAMMASUN has landed in Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi and three provinces. At 15:30 on the 18th before, RAMMASUN the super typhoon identity in Wenchang City, Hainan Province, Weng franca coastal landing, landing near the center of the largest wind of 17 (60 m / s); At 19:30 on the 18th before, RAMMASUN once again landed in Xuwen County, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, Long Town coastal landing near the center of the largest wind of 17; At 7:10 on the 19th before, RAMMASUN once again landed in the coastal Guangxi Fangchenggang light slope, maximum wind near the center 15 (48 m / sec). 1949 has since meteorological records, RAMMASUN is the second of 60 m / s super typhoon level landing with 1973 levels as typhoon No. 7314 as of 2013, a total of typhoons landed in China there are 16. CMA typhoon and marine meteorological forecast center senior high Shuanzhu said. According to high Shuanzhu, from the eastern Philippines after generation, generally normal speed of 20 m / s to 25 m / s forward by the typhoon east to west, but the RAMMASUN In the process of moving, the speed was 40 m / s to 45 m / sec. In all typhoon travels from east to west, this move speed is weird. A typhoon were landing in southern three provinces, plus the previously landed in the Philippines, there are four landing sites, historical rare. Guangdong Provincial Meteorological Station chief forecaster Lin Liangxun said, This is mainly due to the RAMMASUN of mobile route and Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi coastline forms a tangent, where smaller land area covered by the typhoon, making it the strength weakened slowly, landing again in favor of it. Strength vitality rare Speaking of RAMMASUN feature, the high Shuanzhu special emphasis on its strong vitality relatively rare. High Shuanzhu explained, RAMMASUN at the 12th generation in the Pacific Northwest over the ocean in the afternoon, after which growth is slow, arriving near the Philippines began to strengthen from a tropical storm intensified into a typhoon weakened into a typhoon after crossing the Philippines. On the 16th into the South China Sea, the growth rate is very slow, but in the vicinity of Hainan Island has strengthened the magnitude of the increase and become a super typhoon. After the first landing in Hainan, Guangdong still reach super typhoon, until reduced to a strong typhoon landed in Guangxi. Its the wind speed near the center when landing in Guangdong 60 m / s, minimum pressure 910 hPa, the two representatives of the typhoon strength index, Guangdong has more than extreme typhoon ever recorded. Lin Liangxun said, and in 2006 a serious our super typhoon Saomai compared to RAMMASUN wind pretty, but landed less pressure, which is the strength stronger. High Shuanzhu further analysis, said RAMMASUN landed in the growth process, southwest warm and humid maritime airstream kept its injection energy, land weakened the friction it slowly with warm air and water vapor, it has sufficient energy source. According to Xinhua News Agency A06-A07 version of the Xinhua News Agency for the map (except for signature) For more news, please visit the new Beijing, Nov bjnews Google Translate for Business:Translator ToolkitWebsite TranslatorGlobal Market Finder Turn off instant translationAbout Google TranslateMobilePrivacy
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 19:12:42 +0000

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