418 children were raped by illegal aliens in North Carolina in - TopicsExpress


418 children were raped by illegal aliens in North Carolina in August, one state, one month. Now we are supposed to care for their children, to show compassion. What about our children, the victims? What about the 5 million jobs that will vanish from Americans, just today? We are supposed to stand around and take this? Tell it to the people around here that cant put food on the table, keep a job, afford college to help themselves. Bend the rules for immigrants willing to obey the laws, bend it for people really willing to be citizens and become Americans, not hyphenated Americans. The millions that followed the rules are now pushed to the back of the line. washingtontimes/news/2012/oct/31/two-thirds-of-jobs-go-to-immigrants/?page=all
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 11:08:31 +0000

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