| 420+ Gold medals, 60+ Silver and 30+ bronze. YET Unknown, and - TopicsExpress


| 420+ Gold medals, 60+ Silver and 30+ bronze. YET Unknown, and Unsupported | Bhavisha Singh, Sharmila Gharu and Divya Kathawate. Do these names ring a bell ? We guess not. What if we told you that these girls have won a combined total of 422 Gold medals, 61 Silver and 30 bronze in local, national and international tournaments. They have made India proud in Karate tournaments in China, Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan, Chinese Taipei, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan and Paris. Friends, only in India would such teenage prodigies go without fame and support. The team is currently the Karate Champions at national level, and have qualified for the internationals at Germany. Unfortunately, not a single sports body has come forward to sponsor their trip. They urgently and immediately require 75,000 rupees to register for the event. And more for the trip Can we as Logical Indians rally together and donate to make sure that India is represented at the 22nd World Senior Karate Championship tournament in Germany? Here is the story of one of the Karate Girls: Bhavisha Singhs family came to India from Hong Kong because of financial reasons. However hardship did not stop her. In september of 2002, she enrolled into local Karate coaching classes. The first time she took part at a competitive level, was at Vasai Taluka Kalakrida Mahotsav, Maharashtra. Winning nothing at the event, Bhavisha returned with the conviction that she had to practice hard. And she did, letting nothing stop her. Not even an injury that had the doctor declaring she wouldnt be able to continue with karate. Please visit this website for more details (about the achievements, selection letter, donation links, contact details): karategirl.in/ Also spread the word. What the team of 3 is really looking for is sponsorship. So if you are able to sponsor them please do so. Or if you know of someone else who could take on the task, please spread the message. If you wish to make donations, the details are: Donate to her parents joined account (account details are mentioned in the site ) MRS SNEHA RAJENDRA SINGH. MR RAJENDRA FAKIR SINGH Please sponsor the team/individual. Share, donate, sponsor..!
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 07:09:12 +0000

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