5/18/2014 PoliticsOL Network -- Compose a - TopicsExpress


5/18/2014 PoliticsOL Network -- Compose a Message capwiz/politicsol/mail/?id=3181&lvl=F&chamber=P 1/2 Hi Mr. President, A letter is being compiled by myself asking for a few things that I feel I am entitled to. To much of a delay will mean that copies of such will be sent to all East and West coast media as well as the Chinese Premier and Russian President Putin. In early 1971 I filed for disability with the VA. The doctor refused to examine me, yet, filed the paper work saying that he found nothing wrong (he was fired the following year because his credentials were false). The Army doctors at the Isolation Ward at Ireland Army Hospital told me to file, and to consider it an order. A couple of years ago I refiled and was turned down. The doctor wanted to ask something about my records but could not speak English, not to worry, he did not understand my response anyway, part of the problem I figure., I did not respond to a appeal hearing since I had no records to show the truth. The VA sent a letter saying that it would usually result of permanent dismissal of case, but allowed it to continue since it was such a long standing dispute. Someone at the VA had called about 20 years ago saying not to look for any records, since they had all been sent to Cleveland and burnt. This was before caller ID. There are witness to every event in the Army and since. Army doctors Black and Bannion ran the Isolation ward at Ireland Army Hospital and Rocky Blier of the Pittsburgh Stealers, Bradshaw era was in my ward. I am the one that suggested that he chase that dream of a tryout, by first checking in with his college coach and have him put him though the paces, he could then use the new federal law saying that he is entitled to try any job he feels he is physically capable of handling. Colonel Beckwith had a private room in the same ward. I meet him and we spoke for a while, I called his home in the early 80,s but he was already in bed so I spoke to his wife for a while, she was from Detroit too. She asked me to call back, but I didnt because I felt bad about bothering him so soon after the failed mission in Iran. There was three attempts against my life while in the Army, one stateside, two in Vietnam. I lost my insurance in 1968 as a result of 8 back to back Article 15s in a single session, this left me penniless for three months. A senate letter from Senator Harts office made them restore 1/3 pay, since it is deemed slavery according to Federal Statutes to employ someone with 0 pay. While in Ireland Army Hospital the Army turned in all of my gear since I was supposed to be medically discharged when released from the hospital. I decided to stay the remainder of the 3 years since there would be no work out there for a disabled 17 year old, no more than as before, that is why I joined to begin with. I was not allowed contact with my parents during my 3 months there ( I was paralyzed from the waist down, and had to teach myself how to walk again, I received 0 help and the woman whom ran the VA from a basement office said she was ordered not to help me in any manner. My military record is BULL, they tried to make look like something other then I was. My CO in Airfield CO dropped some BS court martial charges against me in lieu of AWOL charges. The initial charges were for unauthorized use of a Army vehicle. Not true, I had the earliest opening of a Radar station in the sticks, and since it was so early, the orderly room was supposed to wake me, which they did, I then checked the posted departure time posed in the barracks. I then reported to the orderly room and informed them that I was on my way to the motor pool, I was to open and await the radar crew, whom never showed up, this procedure was in writing, it was SOP. There was no phone, (before cell phones, this was 1968 ). In the event of something like this happening, I was supposed to keep call in and someone is supposed to be there by 10:00. Nobody answered until nearly PM. I had to go several miles into town to call, and then return to the site in case the crew had shown up. My CO should have been court martialed for making false charges. He then turned the barracks against me and a fight resulted, he would not allow any weekend leave to anyone, so I left. I stayed gone for 35 days, and the extra five were to kick it up to a higher court.That did not happen, he dismissed he five extra days and had me tried by a 3 man court martial board himself leading the board. That to is a court martial offence. The commanding general at Fort Rucker was advised to intervene on my behalf by the senators office and await a Congressional letter. I received a suspended sentence. My CO was ordered to report to Walter Reed Hospital for Physiological testing, and the 3 Sargent s involved were turned down for promotion, black marks entered into their records and ordered back to previous duty stations, two to Vietnam the other to Korea. Ask Sargent King, whom was witness to it all, he was also with me when I forced my way off of the list of Washing Courier ( not until there were only to of us left on the list of 10). I was then ordered to provide security for Project Infant, I did that for the next 14 months, and then ordered to Vietnam. Once in Vietnam I was ordered to report to the 281st and provide security for them without their knowledge. They all did one year in Infantry before coming to this unit, I was the only exception. I forced the release of three men from my platoon whom were captured and about to be assassinated. Made good my own release shortly after. Captured a North Vietnamese Colonel whom (had infiltrated earlier) was leading a suicide squad against my company ( all of the company was disarmed by our CO ). I was also put up for a silver star, bronze are and a air medal with a V devise. 5/18/2014 PoliticsOL Network -- Compose a Message capwiz/politicsol/mail/?id=3181&lvl=F&chamber=P 2/2 Now what I want My government insurance reinstated at 19688 rates The cash value in money that it would have been worth now for start up cost of my own trucking business, working for all these others had not worked out since my surgery. 100% disability at the rank of major ( rank I would have had whenever working as a Washington Courier ), All of my medals A brand spanking new Kenworth 900 Condo fully loaded, 53 foot refer trailer with California splash guard and spread trailer tandems. EZ Pass, permits to use all tollways anywhere The best Rand out there Fuel Card for a year, government insurance provided for first year all inspections and paperwork down for ownership Clean MVR Clean PSP both should be clean anyways but troopers worried about collecting money for their states, since most of the federal money is not forthcoming. If you do all of this we can call this even, and I can try to work our way out of this with a new truck. Right now I cant work because of the MVR and PSP, seriously flawed but no one will correct it. Thank you for your time and patience. William Anthony Markavich
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 01:26:44 +0000

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