5.5 TIL MIAMI HALF I thought this would be a spectacular time - TopicsExpress


5.5 TIL MIAMI HALF I thought this would be a spectacular time to talk about my upcoming half marathon. I am getting excited for this race mostly because it is a reason to see my AMAZING friend Missy from college and thereafter. We were sorority sisters and after college shared MANY of an apartment in Hoboken or beach house at the good ole Jersey Shore. Snookie and JWOW had nothing on us! Our crew should have starred in that show in the 90s. I was at her wedding and she was at mine..at least physically. Ha! I have met her daughters and she has met my daughter and hopefully she will meet my boys this summer. I am so VERY VERY PROUD of her. She has worked sooooo hard on her training program. She has been so dedicated and focused. I know she has conquered some triathalons but has never run even close to 13.1 miles. I cant wait to hear her training story from start to finish. I KNOW you ALL will want to read about it and will find it truly inspirational. This is a HUGE accomplishment. I hope I had a little to do with inspiring her to do something that she once thought she couldnt do. We can ALL do these things. Its ALL about COMMITMENT!! Sometimes I forget how I felt when I ran my first 13 miles. Its going to be an amazing experience for her. In addition to Missy, I am meeting our friend Pam. A great friend and sorority sister that I dont believe I have seen in 22 years. OMG..am I that old??? Holy crap! Its been since our college days. Pam has run some halfs before but I think its been a little while so I am excited for her to run this BIG BIG BIG race in such a fun place with such fun people..ha ha! Its going to be a blast to hang for 4 days. We have a lot of reminiscing to do. Then there is one of my best buddies Jen from here in Charlotte. OH JEN...WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY JEN??? We are definitely two peas in a pod! We have several things in common such as our love for starbursts, gumballs, being early in the carpool line, coca cola and pretzels. We definitely both have some PSYCHO running tendencies in different ways. I LIKE to RUN a million miles in one day and she likes to not train and just run a million miles on race day..ha! Actually Im gonna say that she may just take the cake on this one!!!!!!! She signed up for this Miami half marathon about a week ago. Most would say OK, she has 2 weeks to train and that is nuts. But,what makes her even crazier is that she is coming off a stomach surgery, hasnt run in over 3 months and instead of starting a week ago decided to start yesterday. YES, you read that correctly. She is doing this race with 6 days of training. Well make that 5 since we wont be running the day before. Ha! Can you say PSYCHO #2?? I cant WAIT TO RECAP THIS RACE!! Cant wait. Here are a few GREAT things I am thinking about: 1.The weather LOOKS AMAZE-BALLS..80 degrees and sunny all 4 days. 2. 22,000 half marathons plus marathons. Its going to be a BIG party 3. Sun, fun and relaxation. Is that possible in South Beach? 4. Strawberry margaritas..poolside at the Fountainbleu! 5. Superbowl Sunday Fun day in Miami with my friends. Here are a few unpleasant things I am thinking about 1. Our flight is at 7:30AM on Saturday. Ugh..EARLY DEPARTURE to the airport with no male/hubby help :( 2. 22,000 half marathoners + marathoners = a lot of Body Odor at the start 3. 6:15AM race start which means at least a 4:30AM wake up 4. The start is in center city Miami and we are staying in South Beach. What a cluster?? I need my Kim Adkins! 5. Start of the race is supposed to be 70 degrees..ouch All I can think about is the humidity. I am already starting to gasp for air!! 6. I read a ton of reviews about this race and it has gotten me very nervous about the start..no waves and a ton of people. Hmmmm.. 7. I heard it was pretty disorganized..:( 8. Going to miss my hubby & kids a LOT! I will definitely do a FULL RACE RE CAP from my corral C to my friends corrals..F/G. There should be some interesting and comical stories. MIAMI are you ready for us??? So how was everyones run today? It was beautiful here in Charlotte. I ran at 7:30AM and it was 44 degrees. I met my running buddy Stacy. She was not feeling 100% all weekend and was going to push her long run off til Wednesday. However, I told her I would run with her and push her to get thru it today. I did my 16 yesterday so I was good but I wanted her to get her 15 done. We are both training for Boston. Its ALWAYS better when you have a friend. Plus the bonus was that it was so warm..it actually got up to 63 degrees today. So we ran and ran and ran and I ended with 14.3 and she ended with her 15. I am so HAPPY she finished it and got it out of the way. Dont tell my Dr. Well friend, I will taper a bit when I get towards the end of the week. As if ALL the stars are aligned perfectly I could actually get a PR from this race. I have only done 2 half marathons. Hard to believe right?? They were both two years ago and got the same time..1:33. Just from my training, I know my times have been much faster than they were two years ago. Thus if everything goes my way and ALL the stars are aligned, I SHOULD do better(PR) but the heat/humidity and crowds might affect me. Well see..Im gonna try my hardest and if I dont its OK. I know I ran my heart out. :) Well friends..we may actually get some snow tomorrow afternoon. I am saying a few prayers and my kids are just dying to make a snowball!! HAVE A GREAT NIGHT. TRAIN HARD! Keep RUNNING!! STAY FOCUSED!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 02:00:29 +0000

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