5 Keys to Success for 2015 Philippians 3:12-3:14 Psalms - TopicsExpress


5 Keys to Success for 2015 Philippians 3:12-3:14 Psalms 103:2-103:4 It is not what happens to you this last year that will make or break you, it is how you react to what happens you in this new year 0f 2015 that will make or break you. The 5 keys found in the bible for our success can be spelled out in one word...R. E. A. C. T. React is an acronym for Remember, Evaluate, Accept, Change, Trust Remember.. the goodness and faithfulness of God. Look at all that He has brought us through this past year. Psalm 103: 2-4 says...Bless the Lord, O my soul; And forget not all His benefits. Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction. Who crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies. Remember and Review the year that has past and learn from your mistakes and victories. The secret to remembering the past is learning what to forget. Forget the wounds, grudges, those who have wronged you, your failures etc. God has new things for you this year. In 1914 Thomas Edison’s laboratory burned down w/ all his equipment and much of his life’s work. his son and wife were surveying the ashes w/ him the next morning when Thomas Edison broke the silence. He said...There is great value in disaster-All of our mistakes are burned up. Thank God we can start anew. In Christ, all of our mistakes are burned up and forgotten; We can start anew! Evaluation...Time to evaluate our priorities, take stock and look inward. What have we accomplished in the last year of any lasting consequence? Have we had our priorities in line w/ the Word of God? Our priorities should be 1st, our relationship to God (Love the Lord Your God with all of Your Heart) 2nd, Our Families should be next 3rd, Our Service back to God 4th, work, and everything else Evaluate what things you wish to leave behind , and what things you desire to carry into the tomorrow . Heb. 12:1, Lay aside every weight that so easily entangles you... Lay aside those things that hold you back from being the man or the woman that God wants for you to be. Accept...full responsibility for your life. Stop blaming everyone and everything for where you are in your life. We are, who we are, by the choices that we have made. Our destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. The Bible say’s that we will stand before God alone. Change...the things in your life that need to be changed. Make a commitment to doing those things which God has revealed to you that need to be changed. Good intentions are not enough; Do it! Trust...in the Lord with all of your heart. Prov. 3:5, admonishes us to trust in the Lord...In all of our ways acknowledge Him and He shall bring it to pass.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 20:56:10 +0000

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