5 Reasons Why Arranged Marriage is a Better Idea... Socially - TopicsExpress


5 Reasons Why Arranged Marriage is a Better Idea... Socially compatible... Since parents always end up settling for a bride or groom with similar upbringing, lifestyle, values, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds, it removes the chances of any potential disparities. These similarities are an advantage, as it makes the partners highly compatible and therefore, makes the marriage roots much stronger. Mutual respect... Parental prestige and pride, makes every arranged marriage couple behave in a respectable and responsible way. They will never conduct themselves or their relationship in a way, which will put their families or familial relations in jeopardy. This ensures that both the partners will move equally towards making their marriage and relationship work. Plus both the partners bring equal level of understanding and respect in their relationship. Strong bond with the family... In India, it is believed you not only marry the person but their family as well. Well, in an arranged marriage the couple receives love and support from each others family. This becomes very essential for a girl as she has to leave her parents home and go to her in-laws house after marriage. In such a scenario that extra scoop of love, care and understanding from the in-laws side goes a long way to make her feel comfortable and welcomed in her new home. Higher level of adjustment... High level of understanding and higher adjusting abilities help in making ends meet and also filling the loopholes of marriage. This increases compatibility and makes both the partners understand the importance of compromise and adjustment. Plus, every couple knows that their relationship has a direct effect on their familys bond as well. That is why, a couple in an arranged marriage would work twice as hard to keep their relationship stable than look for a way out. Strong sense of commitment... Arranged marriage is based on mutual trust and understanding rather than ‘love at first sight’. Hence, the partners tend to love and respect each other for what they are rather than any superficial aspects. In an arranged marriage, commitment is what brings the two people together and love gradually blossoms. So, commitment is the strongest advantage for those who are going for an arranged marriage. So, an arranged marriage seem to be a better idea as it helps to establish mutual respect and understanding in marriage...
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 18:03:35 +0000

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