5 Reasons Why a Career in Sales Makes Sense Let’s admit it. - TopicsExpress


5 Reasons Why a Career in Sales Makes Sense Let’s admit it. We Filipinos are natural “smooth talkers”. It’s just natural for us to be able to convince the people around us and capture their hearts and minds with much energy and purest sincerity. That’s probably why a lot of Filipinos are venturing into the Sales Industry. Even though this is the case, starting a sales career is still not a decision that anyone should take lightly. Many successful Filipino sales people will tell you that it took years of hard-work and determination for them to get to where they are right now. If you are the type that thrives on exceeding expectations, meeting challenges head-on and a strong desire to be the best there is, a career in sales is perfect for you. In case these aren’t enough to convince you to give the sales industry a try, the following reasons should help change your mind. It’s All about the Money, Money, Money British singing sensation Jessie J may frown about the importance of money but you’ll have to admit that it does make the world go round. If you’re looking for a financially rewarding career, you’ll never go wrong with joining the sales industry. Of course, you’ll have to prepare yourself for the things you need to do to earn it -money doesn’t fall off trees and it’s the same with sales. Unless you’re willing to give it your best, you’ll find that it takes more than just skills to make it big in the field. The difference between a sales and a non-sales job is the commission and this alone can make a huge salary gap. Most companies include commission schemes when offering a sales position to qualified candidates, this is in addition to other perks and benefits usually available to a non-sales job posting too. If you compare your sales compensation package with that of a regular non-sales employee, the sales commission alone will allow you to increase your take home pay by about 50%. Enjoy Flexible Work Schedule Most sales jobs offer flexible work schedule due to the nature of the industry. A successful sales career is rooted around the connections you build. A smart sales person knows that the best way to meet prospects and potential clients is to be where they are. Social gatherings, lunch meetings and even after office parties are surefire venues to meet and rub elbows with people who can make your sales career take off. Build a Network of Powerful Connections The very people that move your sales career forward also become part of your network - a network that when managed properly can become your strongest and most powerful professional connection. You can easily improve your relationship with a potential client by hooking them up with one of your previous customers. In essence, you are building yourself a network of mutual benefits. If you play your cards right, you can even close a difficult sales deal simply because you both share a common friend, a business partner, or the same client. Stratospheric Career Trajectory The sales industry is all about numbers – the more sales you make, the faster you get ahead with your career. You can get promoted to the next level in as little as a couple of months and in fact, you can reach the peak of your sales career in as short as a year or two. In any case, if you’re always the top money earner at your company, your bosses are likely to notice and your name will be at the top of the list come promotion time. Become a Better Version of Yourself The training and experience you get from working in sales will help you become a better version of yourself. No longer will you shy away from difficult tasks, cry when faced with rejections, or shrink in embarrassment when in the company of high-profile personalities. The sales industry will teach you to be fearless, to be a go-getter, and to be confident of your skills and abilities. The industry will also help you discover traits and personalities you never knew you had. In case you decide to pursue a different career path, one that’s away from sales, all these things will still do you some good. Building a sales career entails facing lots of rejections, setbacks, and even humiliation but if you manage to get past all of these, the rewards are definitely worth it. It would make sense when faced with the prospect of gaining all these and perhaps more. If you think about it, the sales industry is an industry as old as time itself and while others fear that they may fading into history, the Sales industry will never have to worry about that. Join and like our Facebook Fan Page and follow us on Twitter to share your thoughts about this article. You can also send your feedback to our email address: [email protected].
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 07:29:20 +0000

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