5【Separation of Powers】 1. Brown,Separated Powers - TopicsExpress


5【Separation of Powers】 1. Brown,Separated Powers and Ordered Liberty,139 U.Pa.L.Rev.(1991) 2. Bruff,On the Constitutional Status of the Administrative Agencies,36 Am.U.L.Rev.(1987) 3. Chemerinsky,A Paradox Without a Principle:A Comment on the Burger Court’s Jurisprudence in Separation of Powers Cases,60 S.Cal.L.Rev.(1987) 4. Devins,Budget Redorm and the Balance of Powers,31 Wm. & Mary l.Rev.(1990) 5. Feld,Separation of Political Powers:Boundaries or Balance?,21 Ga.L.Rev.(1986) 6. Krent,Separating the Strands in Separation of Powers Controversies,74 Va.L.Rev.(1988) 7. Levi,Some Aspects of Separation of Powers,76 Colum.LRev.(1976) 8. Merrill,The Constitutional Principle of Separation of Powers,1991 Sup.Ct.Rev. 9. Osgood,Governmental Functions and Constitutional Doctrine:The Separation of Powers,72 Cornell L.Rev.(1987) 10. Sargentich,The Contemporary Debate About Legislative-Executive Separation of Powers,34 Wm. & Mary L.Rev.(1993) 11. Sharp,The Classical American Doctrine of “ The Separation of Powers ”,2 U.Chi.L.Rev.(1935) 12. Stith,Congress’Power of Purse,97 Yale L.J.(1988) 13. Stith,Rewriting the Fiscal Constitution:The Case of Gramm-Rudman-Hollings,76 Calif.L.Rev.(1988) 14. Strauss,Formal and Functional Approaches to Separation-of-Powers Questions-A Foolish Inconsistency?,72 Cornell L.Rev.(1987) 15. Symposium,Separation of Powers and the Executive Branch:The Reagan Era in Retrospect,57 Geo.Wash.L.Rev.(1989) 16. Symposium,The American Constitutional Tradition of Shared and Separated Powers,30 Wm. & Mary L.Rev.(1989) 17. Symposium,The Presidency and Congress:Constitutionally Separated and Shared Powers,66 Wash.U.L.Q.(1990) 18. Abascal & Kramer,Presidential Impoundment Part I:Historical Genesis and Constitutional Framework,62 Geo.L.J.(1974);Part II:Judicial and Legislative Response,63 Geo.L.J.(1974) 19. Black,Some Thoughts on the Veto,40 L. & Concemp.Probs(1976) 20. Bruff,Judicial Review and the President’s Statutory Powers,68 Va.L.Rev.(1982) 21. Easterbrook,Presidential Review,40 Case W.Res.L.Rev.(1990) 22. Fleishman & Aufses,Law and Orders:The Problem of Presidential Legislation,40 L. & Contemp.Prob.(1976) 23. Ledewitz,The Uncertain Power of the President to Execute the Laws,46 Tenn.L.Rev.(1979) 24. Lessing & Sunstein,The President and the Administration,94 Colum.L.Rev.(1994) 25. Sidak,The President’s Power of the Purse,1989 Duke L.J. 26. Bestor,Separation of Powers in the Domain of Foreign Affairs:The Original Intent of the Constitution Historically Examined,5 Seton Hall.L.Rev.(1974) 27. Casper,Constitutional Constraints on the Conduct of Foreign and Defense Policy:A Nonjudicial Model,43 U.Chi.L.Rev.(1976) 28. Koh,Why the President(Almost)Always Wins in Foreign Affairs:Lesssons of the Iran-Contra Affair,97 Yale L.J.(1988) 29. Symposium,Legal and Policy Issues in the Iran-Contra Affair:Intelligence Oversight in a Democracy,11 Huston J.Int’l L.(1988) 30. Symposium,The United States Constitution in Its Third Century:Foreign Affairs,83 Am.J.Int’l L.(1989) 31. Adler,The Constitution and Presidential Warmaking:The Enduring Debate,103 Pol.Sci.Q.(1988) 32. Berger,War-Making by the President,121 U.Pa.L.Rev.(1972) 33. Bickel,Congress,the President and the Power to Wage War,48 Chi-Kent L.Rev.(1971) 34. Biden,The War Power at a Constitutional Impasse:A”Joint Decision ”Solution,77 Geo.L.J.(1988) 35. Buchanan,A Proposed Model for Determining the Validity of the Use of Force Against Foreign Adversaries Under the United States Constitution,29 Hous.L.Rev.(1992) 36. Ely,Kuwait,the Constitution,and the Courts:Two Cheers for Judge Greene,8 Const.Comm.(1991) 37. Ely,The American War in Indochina(Parts I & II),42 Stan.L.Rev.(1990) 38. Lobel,Covert War and Congressional Authority:Hidden War and Forgotten Power,134 U.Pa.L.Rev.(1986) 39. Lofgren,On War-Making,Original Intent,and Ultra-Whiggery,21 Val.U.L.Rev.(1986) 40. Note,Congress,the President,and the Power to Commit Force to Combat,81 Harv.L.Rev.(1968) 41. Note,The Failure of Constitutional Controls Over War Powers in the Nuclear Age:The Argument for a Constitutional Amendment,40 Stan.L.Rev.(1988) 42. Ratner,The Coordinated Warmaking Power-Legislative,Executive,and Judicial Roles,44 S.Cal.L.Rev.(1971) 43. Reveley,Presidential War-Making:Constitutional Prerogative or Unurpation?,55 Va.L.Rev.(1969) 44. Van Alstyne,Congress,the President,and the Power to Declare War:A Requiem for Vietnam,121 U.Pa.L.Rev.(1972) 45. Carter,The Constitutionality of the War Power Resolution,70 Va.L.Rev.(1984) 46. Ely,Suppose Congress Wanted a War Powers Act That Worked,88 Colum.L.Rev.(1988) 47. Glennon,The War Powers Resolution:Sad Record,Dismal Promise,17 Loyola,L.A.L.Rev.(1984) 48. Lungren & Krotoski,The War Powers Resolution After the Chadha Decision,17 Loy.L.A.L.Rev.(1984) 49. Rostow,Great Cases Make Bad Law:The War Powers Act,50 Texas L.Rev.(1972) 50. Rostow,”Once More Into the Breach :”,The War Powers Resolution Revisited,21 Val.U.L.Rev.(1986) 51. Rubner,The Reagan Administration,the 1974 War Powers Resolution and the Invasion of Grenada,100 Pol.Sci.Q.(1986) 52. Vance,Striking the Balance:Congress and the President Under the War Powers Resolution,133 U.Pa.L.Rev.(1984) 53. Brooks,Gramm-Rudman:Can Congress and the President Pass This Buck?,64 Tex.L.Rev.(1985) 54. Krent,Fragmenting the Unitary Executive:Congressional Delegations of Administrative Authority Outside the Federal Government,85 Nw.U.L.Rev.(1990) 55. Pierce,The Role of Constitutional and Political Theory in Administrative Law,64 Tex.L.Rev,(1990) 56. Schoenbrod,The Delgation Doctrine:Could the Court Give It Substance?,83 Mich.L.Rev.(1985) 57. Calabresi & Rohdes,The Structural Constitution:Unitary Executive,Plural Judiciary,105 Harv.L.Rev.(1992) 58. Carter,The Independent Counsel Mess,102 Harv.L.Rev.(1988) 59. Corwin,Tenure of Office and the Removal Power Under the Constitution,27 Colum.L.Rev.(1927) 60. Entin,The Removal Power and the Federal Deficit:Form,Substance,and Administrative Independence,75 Ky.L.J.(1987) 61. Glitzenstein & Morrison,The Supreme Court’s Decision in Morrison v. Olson:A Common Sense Application of the Constitution to a Practical Problem,38 Amer.U.L.Rev.(1989) 62. Kahn,Gramm-Rudman and the Capacity of Congress To Control the Future,13 Hastings Const.L.Q.(1986) 63. Miller,Independent Agencies,1986 Sup.Ct.Rev. 64. Shane,Independent Policymaking and Presidential Power:A Constitutional Analysis,57 Geo.Wash.L.Rev.(1989) 65. Verkuil,The Status of Independent Agencies After Bowsher v. Synar,1986 Duke L.J. 66. Bruff,Legislative Formality,Administrative Rationality,63 Texas L.Rev.(1984) 67. Bruff & Gellhorn,Congressional Control of Administrative Regulation:A Study of Legislative Vetoes,90 Harv.L.Rev.(1977) 68. Eskridge & Ferejohn,The Article I,Section 7 Game,60 Geo.L.J.(1992) 69. Elliott,INS v. Chadha:The Administrative Constitution,the Constitution,and the Legislative Veto,1983 Sup.Ct.Rev. 70. Javits & Klein,Congressional Oversight and the Legislative Veto:A Constitutional Analysis,52 N.Y.U.L.Rev.(1977) 71. Martin,The Legislative Veto and the Responsible Exercise of Congressional Power,68 Va.L.Rev.(1982) 72. Fenton,The Scope of the Impeachment Power,65 Nw.U.L.Rev.(1971) 73. Firmage & Mangrum,Removal of the President:Resignation and the Procedural Law of Impeachment,1973 Duke L.J. 74. Freedman,The Law as King and the King as Law:Is a President Immune from Criminal Prosecution Before Impeachment?,20 Hastings Const.L.Q.(1992) 75. Garvey,Foreword:Judicial Discipline and Impeachment,76 Ky.L.J.(1988) 76. Gerhardt,The Constitutional Limits to Impeachment and Its Alternatives,68 Texas L.Rev.(1989) 77. Cox,Executive Privilege,122 U.Pa.L.Rev.(1974) 78. Ervin,The Gravel and Brewster Cases:An Assault on Congressional Independence,59 Va.L.Rev.(1973) 79. Freud,Foreword:On Presidential Privilege,88 Harv.L.Rev.(1974) 80. Mishkin,Great Cases and Soft Law:A Comment on United States v. Nixon,22 UCLA L.Rev.(1974) 81. Peterson,Prosecuting Executive Branch officials for Contempt of Congress,66 N.Y.U.L.Rev.(1991) 82. Shane,Legal Disagreement and Negotiation in a Government of Laws:The Case of Executive Privilege Claims Against Congress,71 Minn.L.Rev.(1987) 83. Fallon,Of Legislative Courts,Administrative Agencies,and Article III,101 Harv.L.Rev.(1988) 84. Redish,Legislative Court,Administrative Agencies,and the Northern Pipeline Decision,1983 Duke L,J. 85. Symposium,Paul Bator:Legislative and Administrative Courts Under Article III,65 Ind.L.J.(1990) 86. Young,Public Rights and the Federal Judicial Power:From Murray’s Lessee Through Crowell To Schor,35 Buffalo L.Rev.(1986) John H. Garvey,T. Alexander Aleinikoff,Modern Constitutional Theory:a reader,West Publish:St. Paul 1994
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 00:46:05 +0000

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