5 THINGS TO KNOW to Find Your Purpose in - TopicsExpress


5 THINGS TO KNOW to Find Your Purpose in Life https://youtube/watch?v=vVsXO9brK7M I ran across this Ted talk by Adam Leipzig in the middle of the night. I was troubled by the realization that in the last 10 years of my life, I very seldom enjoyed the roles I had landed in film and TV: not challenging, not well written, not interesting or daring or whatever. Forever grateful for the career I’ve managed to sustain in such a mercurial business, this realization came as a bit of a shock. I began questioning what I thought I already knew: my purpose in life. These 5 things to know profoundly affected what I thought I knew about myself. My guess is they will affect the way you see yourself as well. 5 Things to Know to Find Your Purpose in Life 1. Who you are 2. What you do 3. Who you do it for 4. What those people want or need from you. 5. How they change or transform as a result. All of that seems easy at first glance. So I watched the video and asked myself: 1. WHO AM I? When Adam asked this question, my first thought was, “If I could answer this question most completely, it would render the other 4 unnecessary.” But in this instance, he is referring to your name. This is a great way to begin the search for your purpose as it establishes right away that you do indeed know something of value and your entire life hasn’t been spent wandering about:) 2. WHAT DO I DO? I found this a bit difficult because, as with most of us, I do a multitude of things. How can that define who I am and what my purpose is? Then Adam drilled down to what he was really getting at: What do you love to do? Well, that produced an even longer list. But then he goes on to specify by asking, ”What do you love to do that you feel supremely qualified to teach other people?” WOW! ”What do I love to do that I feel supremely qualified to teach other people?” The answer came so quickly and easily I was shocked. And there was only one...only one answer! and once that answer was in place, the other three rolled off my tongue like a wet marble. 3. WHO DO I DO IT FOR? Got it. 4. WHAT DO THOSE PEOPLE WANT OR NEED FROM ME? I already knew 5. HOW DO THEY CHANGE OR TRANSFORM BECAUSE OF IT? Done. I knew it before he even asked Having this clarity was like finding a beacon for my ultimate joy and satisfaction. It was like understanding in an instant how I was to best contribute to this planet, give the best of who I am to my friends and family. I am completely invigorated. Now all I have to do is be accountable for it...
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 18:20:49 +0000

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