5 minute history important to know: Muhammad in 600s AD, tried to - TopicsExpress


5 minute history important to know: Muhammad in 600s AD, tried to preach and recruit followers in his city, Mecca, for 12 years and failed. People did not want to follow him. He then went to Medina, a Jewish hub at the time, to preach his message. If they would accept him, his own people would accept him. In order to preach to the Jews, Muhammad incorporated (plagiarized) a lot of the Old Testament into his preaching such as praying two times a day, not eating pork, fasting for Ramadan like the Jews do for Yom Kippur, washing hands before prayers, etc. But the Jews of Medina refused to accept him. That became the turning point into militarism, attacking Jews, killing them, or expelling them from their city. At this point, “Islam changed from a strictly spiritual movement to a military/political movement clothed in religion.” “The Muslims base their annual calendar not on the day when Muhammad received his revelation from the Angel Gabriel but on the day when Muhammad became a military warrior, twelve years later in Medina. That is when the official Islamic calendar began.” Prophet Muhammad called the Jews “dhimmis,” second class citizens, who stayed alive by either paying the “jizya,” the protection tax, or by converting to Islam. Jews had to wear a necklace to prove that they paid “jizya.” Jews and Christians were not allowed to pray publicly or ring their church bells, or to build churches and synagogues. Jews were called “Negis” under Islam. The second Caliph of Iraq invented the yellow star of the Jews in the 9th century. Jews were required to walk down the street on the opposite side of the Muslims. The yellow star of the Jews was not a Nazi invention, it was a Muslim invention which the Nazis borrowed 1,000 years later. Christians were forced to wear a belt, the “zunar.” The Crusades were launched to liberate Jerusalem. “After 300 years the Crusaders failed and dissipated because they could not defeat Islam. Islam spread to India, China, and central Europe. By 1600, Islam covered more surface than the Roman Empire did at its peak.” Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938) abolished the Islamic Empire (Ottoman Sultanate) in 1922 after a rule of 1400 years. “This is why the Muslims want to rebuild the Caliphate. Most people do not understand that this is what drives ISIS. If ISIS disappears today, another organization will spring up to rebuild the Caliphate. This is what drives our Islamist enemies.” Islamists are not builders and peaceful “coexisters,” they dedicate their lives to the destruction of our civilization. The peaceful majority of Islam is irrelevant.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 01:21:43 +0000

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