5th July - Bleakest in History of PAKISTAN We have a very lengthy - TopicsExpress


5th July - Bleakest in History of PAKISTAN We have a very lengthy and horrible history of military takeover/rule. Starting from General Iskandar Mirza’s Material Law, who was in turn ditched and double crossed by F M Ayub Khan who took over reign of country. Subsequently Ayub Khan got critically ill, could not effectively rule the country and on his failure to handle the agitation which mainly erupted from East Pakistan (Bangladesh ) thus under duress of public pressure he instead of calling general election ,handed over reign of power to another General Yahya Khan to save his skin. The General election were ordered and held under pretext and impression that none of the parties would haves comfortable majority to rule but contrary to the expectations of Military Rulers and other stake holders/ elite forces, the Awami League secured more than 99% seats in East Pakistan where as in West Pakistan PPP emerges victorious with comfortable majority. The rulers- civil servants bureaucrat from West Pakistan considered East Pakistan a recurring liability, thus such conditions were created by depriving Bangladeshi their right to rule and decent living As result of which a new country by the name Bangladesh came into being. After Dacca debacle in disparate move the reign of power was handed over to Z A Bhutto as civilians Chief Material Law Administrator. He successfully frames a Constitution for Pakistan which was passed by the Assembly without any opposition. General Election held which were dubbed as unfair and manipulated in favour of PPP and agitation started under banner of “Nizam-e-Mutafa” Than we had bleakest period in Pakistan History when another Military dictator- Ziaul Haq-known as BLACK PANTHER took over the reign of the Country and impose Martial Law.General Ziaul Haq draws support from Anti-Muslim forces such as Jamait-a-Islami,Jamaitul Ulma and many other so called pro-Islamic forces. Reign of terror was let loose. Public lashing were very common, even Jurists and journalist were not speared. Every un-Islamic act was committed under guise and name of Islam. Rapists were treated at par with Jayalas of People Party. Z A Bhutto was a very dynamic leader he brought all Muslim countries together by holding Islamic Summit. He forged unity and brought together all countries including Iran and Saudi Arab where Muslims were in Majority under one umbrella. He floated idea of using OIL as weapon against Israel. Such ideas were not appreciated by Western Countries led by USA. Thus a movement was started against ZAB, through rightist religious parties, aided and finance by USA. This era ended with death Great Leaders of Muslim Ommah.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 06:51:02 +0000

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