6-17-14 Mouse Report; Once upon a time Jim Wilcott used to take - TopicsExpress


6-17-14 Mouse Report; Once upon a time Jim Wilcott used to take track potatoes to any demonstrations that were happening in the bay area...this is his JFK Assassination, A CIA insiders view The Kennedy assassination came as no great shock to most of the people at Tokyo Station in Japan, a class A Station of the CIA. It seemed a logical culmination of the steadily building anguish and discontent over the Bay of Pigs fiasco and commie sell out of the Kennedy Administration that was the prevailing sentiment. This one was particularly true of the higher echelon operational people. The branch chiefs and deputy chiefs project intelligence officers and operational specialists viewed Kennedy as a threat to the clandestine services. The loss of special privileges, allowances, status and early retirement that come with the CIA cloak and dagger job were becoming a possibility, even a probability. The prestigious portions of the bureaucratic dominions, ambitiously sought, might be no more. Adjustment to a less glamorous job in a common profession, could be the result. Politically, at the station, as in CIA generally, strong anticommunist conservative views were dominant. To openly support the Kennedy liberal position was not wise as promotion and job advancement was at stake. By November 22, 1963, we had all come to understand this quite well. Treason and dupe of the USSR were commonly applied during the heated political conversations concerning the September 1963, Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Administration support of integration and Kennedys personal crusade against the oil depletion allowance were also seen as an attack on free enterprise. Greatly feared, also, was a winding down and eventual pullout in Viet Nam, with a political settlement, rather than an all-out military onslaught to win. More frequent and more bitter, however, was the charge that Kennedy had reneged on his secret agreement with Dulles to support the Bay of Pigs invasion ..oh, let me jump to just 1 little tidbit here from The Best Evidence ...w/ Abraham Zapruder during his interrogation.They claim it could be done by one man...you know there was an indication there was two ...your film was very helpful to the Commission Mr. Zapruder (said Wesley Liebler) Warren Commission Hearings 576...this stuck most in my craw...what will happen when I publish an account showing the body was altered?...I dont think anyone will believe anything you say...why not...I asked...because its relatively unbelievable...the emperor may rely on the power to demand that he is clothed...not only a function of power it is also a function of relative probability and a concession to the shortness of life...even if you were right...I think I could beat you in the argument...because of the presumption that the emperor is clothed p 684 The Best Evidence ...theyre going to be talking about the Ukranian nazis that were propping up at the same time as these Arab nazis in this hell hole...this Saudi mercenary trained hellhole...on this Guns and Butter...Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa...this is the coalition of countries that Russia and China put together...now remember ...when Russia sailed into our bays, New York and San Francisco and we kicked our sick southern brothers to the curb and we kicked the slave mongers there...and that was that, OK...and then...while everybody is rat packing Russia all the time...like after WWI when they cast off their...like the French have a right to do, Russians..well, Slavs have a right not to be slaves...OK?...but of, course this is the endless bad news horror story...this is the Mouse Report...this is DJ Mouse...founding member of Bolshevics Anonymous...we realize that only by appealing to a power higher than ourselves can we overcome our disabilities and be happy hippies and happy hippies dont kill people...so its a very trying time for a hippy to be happy...A group of French generals dedicated to keeping Algeria as a French colony were a middle group in the 1962 attempt to kill President Charles DeGaulle...Intelligence traced the financing of the assassination attempt into the FBIs Permindex in Switzerland and Centro Mundial Comercial in Rome and he complained to both governments of Switzerland and Italy causing Permindex to lose its charter and Centro Mundial Comercial to be forced to move to Johannesburg S. Africa...as in apartheid...and Centro Mundial Comercial as in World Trade Center, as in Clay Shaw...youll remember the film JFK...French intelligence agency in very short while swiftly traced the funding...to Division 5 who I would logically go to with this document, The Torbitt Document that the outgoing representative for Jim and yours truly DJ Mouse...George Mille... who never acknowledged Jim Wilcott, his constituent...he referred me to the appropriate legal authorities who would be the FBI whose Division 5 ran the operation to murder DeGaulle and JFK and Castro and to retake Algeria...which is what is going on here...and skipping ahead to Chapter 5; Doublecheck was the organization created by the CIA as the counterpart to Permindex and Centro Mundial Comercial and taken over by Division 5 of the FBI...and was used as one of the principal funding agencies for Presdent Kennedys death planning so we see how that... ...you could go to the CIA and maybe you could track Jim Wilcott...I dont know if he was the first to testify against the CIA...his wife, Elsie was the first woman...and I did promise to help investigate and expose their cancer weapon project...now he did say the only good thing the CIA ever did was...Gordon Fitch took a pound of pot to the Utica peace center... the only good thing the CIA ever did was turn him on to pot...heres for you Jim https://youtube/watch?v=BHRFZFmEq9o (plus Lou Reeds best live) Cheney...said at the timeeven the extraordinary events of 1989...the end of the Berlin wall... does not mean America should abandon this strategic foundation so...a couple years after 1989 we had the first oil war...so let me read from The Destruction and Political Fragmentation of Iraq, Towards the Creation of a US Sponsored Caliphate informationclearinghouse.info/article38812.htm Torbitt Document page 18; ...Gatlin was General Counsel to the Anticommunist League of the Caribbean and he worked directly under Guy Banister ...now thats who you remember from the movie JFK...he went from Chicago, as head of the FBI in Chicago, to New Orleans, where Jack Ruby...who appeared on the cover as Jacob Rubenstein the day after Leon Cook was murdered...now thats how the Hoffa gang moves in...part of this Kennedy killing, rotten thing in Denmark Hessian loot scam... Banister was the officer in charge who dispatched Gatlin with 100,000$ in cash to Paris for the DeGaule assassination...we outline the DeGaulle assassination attempt with President Kennedy assassination because basically the same organization carried out both...the leader of the revolt French general Maurice Chaille was assured any move to keep Algeria under permanent French domination would be in the interest of the United States ...now 10 points down the dial this morning I heard some very evil flatulence emerging from the lips of one Juan Cole about the Libyan no fly zone...if we had followed that pattern in Iraq...just look at The Battle of Algiers...you know the early 60s movie...this is what is going on here...Juan Cole is a cheerleader for that kind of thing we know from the Libyan holocaust...depopulated half the country...ran the black people out...because the Arab sting is really the Anglo-Arab sting...Saudis are slime bucket up the Thames...and skanky Yankee misbegotten spawns puppets...and why else would they be business partners with the folks that didnt get to cash in when they adopted my dad...but he didnt get killed in the second big one...and I dont think they made their own kids kill bunnies when they were 5 years old but it was the only family he knew so maybe thats why Im still around...never mind... this freaked out everybody (kicking NATO out of France)...and you know what? ...there was no more attempt on his life...until 1968 when there was the big color revolution ...and he was taken out, and uh...never say uh because now I get to jump in and talk about 68...so we can see how in 1968 the student movement is ripe ground for NATO to plant its little Clintonesque subversives...so what is the meme here is the clenched fist of Otpor...you see it throughout the Arab Sting...OK...and thats whats going on here...so if we think of the oil embargo...the Arab oil embargo...what year is that...its easy to remember... they reminded us with the Southern Mistral...the Arab Spring is the medias name for the Anglo-Arab sting which is officially known as operation Southern Mistral it was organized the fall before to sweep down on Libya and, you know, the shores of Tripoli where Gaddafi was the last to drop the oil embargo...the first to put Tim Osman (Usama bin Laden) in Interpol wanted list so you see how he gets to murder one under cover of the other...but that was 1973 and so the UN resolution is going to follow up on that war on Syria...if you read Israel Shamirs inside story...see how Russia was supporting Egypt that in the early 60s was united w/ Syria under Nasser...Sadat was the elitist so of course hes going to be the Western puppet whos conniving w/ King Faud Golda Meir in the October Surprise...lets keep the hostages...loets get thje Republicans...lets sac the Democrat...but of course that was the original slave party and now we have the Dixiecratic plantation foreman back in the sadle.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 21:56:00 +0000

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