6) Near-East-university and higher educational system of - TopicsExpress


6) Near-East-university and higher educational system of NEU. Near East University is one of the largest university of North Cyprus Nicosia. The EMU was then fully accredited by YÖK as a result the degree and diplomas awarded by EMU have generally been recognized internationally,without being affected/despite the non-recognition of the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus. After 1986 Eastern Mediterranean University task about campus and academic infrastructure grow up excellency manner.Following all listed universities are established from 1995 to 2002 even till this date.All these i have already explain in point 3 on this article. ********Group---A----Cyprus private groups universities---********* i)Girne American university (Kyreniya was established 1985) ii)Near East University (Nicosia was established 1988) iii) European university of Lefke (Lefke established 1989) iv)İnternational American university (Kyrenia established 1992 but shut-down 1999) v)Cyprus international university (Nicosia established 1997) ******Group---B----The private campus of Turkish universities ------******* vi)Middle East Technical University(Guzelyurt established 2002) vii)Istanbul technical University and METU (Guzelyurt recently established) so on--. Under Suat İ GÜNSEL (Suat Hoca)command and founder Rector-ship the Near- East- University established in 1988. Dr.Suat İ Gunsel was born in BEŞİKTEPE VİLLAGE ( One of the nice village of Cyprus) and after obtained PhD degree on Educational Psychology, he made a great plan in educational sector his, planed worked-out and a great educational institution has formed by the name of NEAR-EAST-UNİVERSİTY at Northern Cyprus.Today more then 20,000 national and international students are obtaining educational benefit from this institution.Even more then 60 countries students are getting education on several departments. NEU has well deserved national and international identity because the reason of providing high standard education opportunists with its qualified academic staffs and well established infrastructure facilities inside and out side universities premises.University provide free transportation facilities to the university students along with others. ***The Near-East university is a full member of the European University Association(EUA) ,Of international association of universities (İAU) within the body of UNESCO,İnternational Society of Engineering Education(İGİP),Joint commission International (JCI) and the Federation of the Universities of the İslamic world(FUİW).*** Near-East university is composed and superbly aesthetic design as a modern needy and requirements way,NEU contain wholeness(by needy equipments and tools) with all its faculties,laboratories,workshops,computer centers,cultural centers, dormitories, Olympic indoor swimming pool ,other social and sport centers even many-more. NEU carrying out multi-dimensional educational felicities developed with her.Its contain 16 faculties,98 departments,4 postgraduate institute with 187 programs, 21 research centers contain several PhD programs,along with 2 schools,4 high schools established on 320000 square meter area .NEU contained The Grand Library,Super computer that can process over 15 trillion operation with in a second. They are available at only 28 universities all over the world. According to my research work, The Near east Hospital contained Faculty of Medicine,Faculty of Dentistry, and dentistry clinics even faculty of Pharmacy means its seen to spend more then 200 million USD. İ asked some one great responsible person(Name is hidden) he gave me some approximately details about investment of such a huge hospital around 160 million USD. Even some of them one friend say(Name is hidden)many foreigners also have taken a share means invested of NEU hospital by many foreigners also,no doubt here, because TPD research is always real,loyal and truth friends. The Near East college have a faculty of Maritime studies for male and female students also. The Grand library contain more then 500 thousands open shelves books,more then 50,000 electronic journals, 6.5 thousand DVDs,17 booth for viewing films,12 personal and group study rooms, 600 studies tables and many more.The library open 24 hours a day but some holiday may change its closing time also.İts area 15000m2 of indoor space.Every departments,dormitories and others places contain Restaurants,Cafeterias and canteens. By----TPD From---Cyprus. shared your photo. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=604188059674530&set=pb.100002500238847.-2207520000.1394184343.&type=3&src=https%3A%2F%2Ffbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net%2Fhphotos-ak-frc3%2Ft31%2F1780212_604188059674530_1632089175_o.jpg&smallsrc=https%3A%2F%2Ffbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net%2Fhphotos-ak-frc3%2Ft1%2F1508508_604188059674530_1632089175_n.jpg&size=2048%2C1446 ******Re-posting****** Title of poem---- My Love and affection toward girls and Women 1)İ love several girls and women, Love is TPD part of life. Still i am unmarried half past age, For protect all Radha, Rukmini,Gopini From attract my wife. 2)Some my beautiful heart Shown me mirror, Others , are showing valuable ornaments too, All sweet hearts showing me dogs,cats and bamboo, I need a wife like Naiad give me signal,Where are you? 3)Sometime i like Wilhelmina, Mina, Murray and Brides, Rest, I love Kali, Gori and all. Alive goddess, other like Maeve, Vila, Selkies in my heart, All are my part of body organs even, they make me love in fall 4)Ahilawati doesnt want to leave me, Vortumnus, Pomona, Tiresias, trace me in dream. Lokasenna not also behind all of them, TPD love always balance among of all equal and same Poem By----Tanka prasad Dhungana(PhD runner NEU-Cyprus) Country---Achham----Nepal Now from---Cyprus.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 18:18:46 +0000

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