7-20. Calvary’s Secret “Partakers of the divine nature, - TopicsExpress


7-20. Calvary’s Secret “Partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world” (2 Pet. 1:4). We are to find out in Romans 6, through the gracious teaching of the Spirit of truth, all that happened to the Lord Jesus there on the Cross. Then we will know our own position and standing, since we were judicially in Him there. “Have you ever thought about God’s thought about you, that you are ‘to be conformed to the image of His Son’? ‘It doth not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him’ (Rom. 8:29; 1 John 3:2). “This cannot fail. The Lord Jesus presses on our hearts that He brings us into association with Himself. He ‘hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus’ (Eph. 1:3). He puts us in this position answering perfectly to His nature, and with a nature to enjoy it.” “He imparts to us of Himself in order to qualify us for Himself.” “Not only is my blessing in heaven, but I need the Lord Jesus’ power to enable me to rise above the sense of my infirmity down here; for this world, instead of contributing to me, makes me feel my weakness and need, and that I must rise out of it to find and enjoy my blessing. “The very infirmity which this evil age makes me conscious of makes me draw upon the power of Christ, as the One outside it, passing into the heavens, so that I take pleasure in the very infirmity which is exposed here, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” -J.B.S. “God forbid that I should glory, except in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Gal. 6:14).
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 13:24:40 +0000

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