7 Do’s and Don’ts to Tighten Skin after Weight Loss Losing - TopicsExpress


7 Do’s and Don’ts to Tighten Skin after Weight Loss Losing weight feels fabulous. Seeing the flaps of skin sometimes left behind…not so much. You may have been left with unsightly loose skin that has you covering up that body—instead of showing it off. Skin becomes loose after weight loss when the elastic parts of skin aren’t able to shrink down fast enough. The good news is you may be able to reduce that loosey-goosey jiggle with these do’s and don’ts: Don’t lose weight quickly. Shedding pounds too quickly doesn’t give skin cells time to snap back into their proper shape. Stay away from fad or crash diets and focus instead on steady weight loss of up to about 2lbs each week. Do strength and weight training. These exercises build and tone muscles so they give shape to the skin. Kick start your shaping with this 4 Minute Kettlebell Fat Blaster workout. Don’t neglect water intake. Hydrated skin is more elastic skin. Carry water with you throughout the day to make sipping for your skin simple. You can also give your taste buds a treat with this homemade Orange Sports Drink (it’s a much healthier alternative to sugar- and preservative-laden store-bought). Remember to cut back—or better, eliminate—soda. Give our No Soda Challenge a try. Do maintain consistent weight. We can’t completely control some weight changes, like those from pregnancy. However, non-pregnant women can maintain skin or keep it from getting worse by maintaining a healthy weight. Yo-yo dieting stretches the elastic parts of the skin, leaving you with loose flaps. .Don’t forget to be kind to your skin. You’re wearing the only skin you will ever have. Tighten and preserve skin by caring for it. Regularly use all-natural sunscreen, avoid tanning booths, and limit exposure to heavy-duty chemicals (think harsh cleaning solutions). Pool and hot tub fans, remember to rinse off immediately after a dip to remove chlorine.Do use clean eating recipes. Clean eating is a lifestyle that emphasizes whole, natural foods over those processed or packaged with chemicals or with added sugar and sodium. Focus on caring for your body now instead of obsessing over things that cannot be changed. You are you—beautiful and unique.Losing weight should make you feel better about your body. If loose skin is causing you to cover up, start taking steps to reduce jiggle and tighten naturally. follow me or friend me as I am always posting some awesome stuff!! >>facebook/groups/SlimDownToday/
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 00:16:35 +0000

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