7 Easy Ways to Please God That Will Make Your Life - TopicsExpress


7 Easy Ways to Please God That Will Make Your Life More Purposeful by Robert Ripper One of our biggest mistakes in life is living for our own pleasure. It is not a bad thing (in healthy doses) to experience good feelings, but if selfish pleasure is our main focus, we will deprive ourselves from true joy that comes from pleasing God. God is not that difficult to please. All we need to do is to keep in mind that He created us for His own pleasure. And that is every Christian’s purpose in their life – to be pleasing our Creator while glorifying Him in the process. If you strive to please God, start engaging in the the following: 1. Help those who cannot help themselves On the contrary of the popular belief that “God helps those who help themselves”, God actually helps those who cannot help themselves. Often, He does it through us, who put our faith in Him. Most charitable organizations and hospitals throughout the history were established by Christians. 2. Give even if you think that you can’t If you’re familiar with the story of the poor widow, you know that God doesn’t care that much about the quantity you give away, as much as He cares about the proportion of your wealth that you give away. Think about tithing 10% of your gross income to start with. Soon, it will become the easiest way to please Him. 3. Live your life as if Jesus was looking over your shoulder all the time Well, actually He is. To our detriment we often keep forgetting about it. Sure, Christians are not perfect people, they are just forgiven people, but our conduct and behavior is a living testimony to the unsaved world. Every time a person who claims to know God on a personal level gives into sin, it only provides unbelievers with one more excuse to reject God. Live your faith, not just talk about it. 4. Share your faith with others Living our faith is important, but let’s not forget to talk about it with other people too. Of course, in a tactful manner that would not build the walls but the bridges instead. Remember, Jesus’ disciples were not only living their faith, they also kept engaging people within their circles of influence. A simple opening such as your friend asking you: “Why do you never seem to worry too much?”, could lead to a conversation impacting their life forever. 5. Sing for God even if you can’t sing An easy one for those who regularly sing in a church choir or made it to the top ten in the American Idol competition. But what if you can’t keep the tune and have the worst singing voice ever? You don’t need to be a star to be in God’s show. God will be happy even if you’ll make a joyful noise in a form of humming your favorite worship song in a car or in the shower. 6. Pray even if you don’t feel like it God loves when we talk to Him, because He wants to maintain constant relationship with us. When life gets tough it can be difficult to pray. Our trials, however, can serve as the best opportunity to share our aches with God, and to even complain to Him. Praying for the people we don’t necessarily like inhibits our hatred towards them. Bible tells us to pray all the time. Praising God in the midst of a trial is evidence of a strong faith. 7. Be thankful for what God has done for you When life goes too well we may forget to pray and give thanks for all the blessings that came our way (of which our salvation is the most important one). Therefore, our biggest curse may be what we thought of as the biggest blessing, if we stop paying attention to God as a result of it and drift away from Him. Trying to pursue too hard what we don’t have, instead of pursuing God and appreciating what we already have from Him, can be our downfall. Give thanks to God not only on the Thanksgiving Day, but every day.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 12:10:04 +0000

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