7 tips to diet successfully ! Eat more foods in their natural - TopicsExpress


7 tips to diet successfully ! Eat more foods in their natural state. Most of us don’t get enough quality vegetables in our diets. In general, the darker the vegetable, the better. Leafy greens like kale, spinach and arugula are good choices and are in season now. Quit eating after 7 pm. Or at least stop eating within 3 hours of bedtime. Your body needs a certain amount of time to carry out many necessary metabolic functions, including fat burning and storage. Eat protein with breakfast. Eating protein in the morning boosts the energy burn cycle and changes your metabolism to burn fat instead of muscle tissue. Slow down. Most of us not only eat too much fast food, but we eat our food too fast. Chew each bite thoroughly, ideally 20 times before swallowing. Try to stretch your meal out to at least 20 minutes. Think 20! Eat mindfully. Make mealtime special with a nice plate and glass goblet. Put on some background music. Light a candle. Taste, smell and enjoy your food without the added distractions of television or computer. Eating while doing something else can lead to overeating. Avoid refined carbohydrates. They cause a spike in blood glucose, and excess sugar from carbohydrates will eventually be stored as triglycerides and then fat. Switch to whole grains, such as brown rice and quinoa, or oatmeal. Try Phase 2 White Kidney Bean Extract for added carb control. Exercise. Make it a priority. Research has proven that regular exercise not only helps to burn fat and calories, but improves the immune system and helps with depression. Schedule some form of exercise into your daily life at least 3 times a week. Now that the days are getting longer, take a nice long walk after dinner. Eat seasonally. Fresh fruits and vegetables are in abundance during the spring and summer months. Since they are fresher, they taste better. If they taste better, you are more likely to eat them. Stock up now on asparagus, berries, pears, mangoes, kiwi, snow peas, and watercress.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 03:21:00 +0000

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