7 ways you MURDER goal setting: 1. Stated in positive terms. - TopicsExpress


7 ways you MURDER goal setting: 1. Stated in positive terms. Most people don’t have a firm grip on what they actually want. They normally set goals that say, “I want this bad thing to stop happening to me.” ...Of course, this does not specify what you actually want, making it impossible to get that result. You also focus on the negative, which attracts more of it! 2. YOU are in control. Sometimes people set a goal that depends on the actions of others. If for example, your goal is to win the lottery, well now you have no way of pursuing that goal without depending on the luck of the draw. Unless you rig the numbers, that is... 3. Specific sensory-based description of the outcome and steps needed to get it? This means, “Do you have steps to achieve your goal, and what evidence will let you know you got it?” Without specific steps, you’re nothing more than a tumbleweed blowing in the wind. Once you plot steps A through Z of your goal, it’s like you have a map...You will be able to navigate your way to success. 4. Ecological. King Midas could turn anything into gold with one touch. He achieved his goal...but now he couldn’t touch anyone, ever. He even turned HIS SON into gold! Asking, “Is this goal ecological?” ensures that there are no negative side effects to your goal... If there ARE side effects, your subconscious will not chase for your goal full throttle...and even if you get what you want; you might end up like King Midas... 5. More than one-way to get the outcome. You know the saying: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again...” Well, if the only way to save your damsel in distress is to jump on a grenade, you are in trouble! What if you don’t save her? Then you will have died in vain. Set goals that allow for a menu of different approaches. 6. The first step is specific and achievable. Most people are not specific about what they want. “I want more money...” is not a goal. “I want $200,000 a year” is getting a little bit closer... What’s more, you want to make sure that the first step is attainable because you don’t want to bite off more than you can chew... 7. Does it increase choice? Don’t set a goal that limits your options in the future. That’s like cutting off your nose to spite your face... EXAMPLE: Do you want to set a goal “to become fearless”? Sometimes a good dose of fear can save your life! In this case, you will modify your goal so that you don’t become brave enough to wrestle a grizzly bear on your next camping trip! Are you beginning to see why so many people SUCK at goal setting? In the Learn NLP At Home Course, you will go WAAAAY beyond goal setting. With the goal strategies outlined in this program (you will find many of them in module 2), you will gain a superhuman ability to turn your desires into reality. Sort of like a genie... Or The Green Lantern... Or Chuck Norris?
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 09:58:49 +0000

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