72 days til Launch!!! Can you feel the anticipation - TopicsExpress


72 days til Launch!!! Can you feel the anticipation growing?!!?! (Even though we have over 4 million members already in 46 countries, we are very small compared to 2020 projections of ONE BILLION and) now in 73 days, we are formally launching the largest company in the world! We dont just want, we dont just think, we dont just believe, WE KNOW we will be the LARGEST company in the world! Lets put this in perspective... that doesnt mean well be the largest in a county or state, and that doesnt mean in an industry or sector. This is not saying well be the largest weight loss company, or the largest steel producing company, or the largest banking company. This isnt reinventing the wheel, or the next best thing since that last company you heard about. This isnt the next best thing since sliced bread... this is the best thing since Visa(R) and MasterCard(R) for sure, and I know you know how big they are! We might be the best thing since currency was ever created... and we just might be the best thing since air was created - I know thats a stretch, but if you understood this program and how massive it is, you might just think that too! We arent a hyped up program or concept. We are actually a paradigm shift! > You know how things changed when credit cards came around? > You know how things changed when automobiles were invented? > You know how things changed when airplanes took flight? > You know how things changed when electricity was harnessed? We are a global loyalty rewards program and business solutions company on gamma rays*. (*note the Incredible Hulk reference) ;-) Everyone (over 18) can be involved! No credit checks. And no cost to get started. With a global market of 5 billion people, our expected target is 20% global market penetration... thats ONE BILLION PEOPLE! You might be thinking.... thats a HUGE NUMBER! And it is... Let me ask you this.... > How many people drink coffee or bottled water? > How many people drive cars? > How many use Facebook? > How many use a computer? > How many people have a Visa(R), MasterCard(R), Discover Card(R), or Amex(R)? (And if you look in your wallet or purse, you probably have 3 or 4 cards with these logos on them!) When you have something that everyone wants, they use, and they get rewarded for using it.... things get really big, really fast! What happens if we dont reach that mark of one billion? That would assume we get stuck with only 350 to 500 million members.... Well STILL be the largest company in the world with the amount of money that is in this program (Visa(R) and MasterCard(R) only make about 9% what we do straight up). Wed still be doing about $10 Trillion in gross revenue.... And if my numbers are right... were really looking at a global gross revenue of $48 Trillion per year! To compare, the US government receives about $3 - 4 Trillion per year in tax revenue.... Were talking that well be larger than the US Federal government! Wrap your mind around that one... The question is.... do you want to get involved and start benefiting now when you know its best to get started early and create a fantastic foundation? Or do you want to wait and live with regret of having known? Ronald Gerald Wayne got started with two men named Steve when they started their company. Ronald Gerald Wayne backed out and sold his 10% of the stock for $800. His 10% is now worth $35 Billion.... the company is Apple. The two Steves - Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. Do you think Ronald Gerald Wayne wishes he had that 10% stock now? ...instead of living in the desert? I took the time to write this because I have been off doing my research, understanding the program, and now I can honestly say, these things are true. You can decide to get started right now! Or you can wait and see... or you can wait and never do anything, which is a pattern for most broke people. What happens if you get started and fail? Well, it was free to get started, and you would have put some nice cash back into your pocket from your shopping.... pretty cushy failure Id say! What if you make it? What do you think a company making trillions of dollars would pay you? I think its a big number! What would you make if you didnt get started right now? (I think you know the answer....) If you think youre qualified to work with me and work with us, I dare you to click on the link and take 188 seconds to see if this makes sense. ==> mylyconet/brettgillilan/EN/your-journey-begins Remember, 72 days til LAUNCH!!!! tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock.... HERES THE LYONESS MASTERCARD(R)! ==> https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10154456659090271&set=pcb.10154456660545271&type=1&theater
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 17:43:48 +0000

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