8/28/14: As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in - TopicsExpress


8/28/14: As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in school. Just a bit of a history lesson. I was notorious for a lack of preparation and was thus exposed to a lot of perspiration. Then I turned to my last resort. Oh Lord, I promise, if you get me through this one, that Ill do a better job the next time. Ha, ha, ha, ha! That was God laughing. Oh yeah, I made it through grade school (no middle school back in those days) and high school and even college on my second try. I also learned that God is a big fan of putting forth some effort to study before you use him as a last resort. By the way I tried this in a lot of other areas before I finally saw the light. Maybe a little Dr. Phil thrown in here. This whole thing about No Prayer in Schools, no Pledge of Allegiance, no Ten Commandments posted anywhere, etc. As Dr. Phil would say, Hows that working for you? I see a lot of posts about these subjects. I see a lot of likes and shares. I see people saying all the right things about God and Country. But I dont see any changes taking place. I guess I grew up believing that we, Americans, were Gods chosen people. You know, kind of like the Israelites. Really now? Are we, or have we just been kidding ourselves? Does God love us more than anyone else? Or we could switch the subject to the church. Surely we are Gods chosen people. You know Peters thing about a royal priesthood and all of that. I think for too long we have been content just being content. Kind of lets let someone else do the work and we will enjoy the benefits. God will take care of things. Its like me not studying and then expecting God to supply the answers. It is high time we got off of our duffs, rolled up our sleeves, and went to work. In our schools, in our churches, and in the marketplace. I know, I know. I stopped preaching and went to meddling. Posting is great but putting our hand to the plow is better. We have become soft and for far too long have taken for granted Gods goodness. My guess is at some point Gods patience may wear thin and then America may just go the way of other great dynasties that have come and gone.The decay always started from within. It may just happen on our watch. Who will we blame then? Will God find me faithful, or will I be that little boy and that teenager still asking God to bail me out? Lets reclaim the work ethic and the spiritual ethic in our homes, our churches, and the marketplace. For our sake, for our children and grandchildren, for the Lords sake. Rise Up Oh Church of God. Oh Lord, may I do my part. Happy Thursday!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 10:07:55 +0000

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