8. The Golf War from 2003, part 2 In Jeremiah 50,22-23 the prophet - TopicsExpress


8. The Golf War from 2003, part 2 In Jeremiah 50,22-23 the prophet predicts, that the nations of the world will be horrified about the events in Babylon in the last days of the world. And really in 2003 went many millions of people of the whole world outraged with protest against the Iraq War to the streets. After 25 days the military troops of Iraq was at the end. Bagdad and the bridges over the Tigris were occupyed. The palaces of Saddam Hussein were in flames. An although the Iraq army in the beginning fighted like a lion, it had to concede (Jeremiah 51,30-32). The oil wealth of the Iraq, from which the conquerors made a profit, is described in Jeremiah 51,13. The enemys of Babylon (Iraq) grow rich by the treasures of the country (Jeremiah 50,10) and the wealth of the country Iraq fall to the other nations (Jeremiah 51,2). Since the war of 2003 many western companies really got wealth in Iraq by praticipation in the oil production. 9. The nation of the Meder and the kingdoms Ararat, Minni and Aschkenas Who are actually the Meder, who so often are mentioned in the bible, today? The Kurds identify themselve with pride as the descendants of the old Meder. The language of the Kurds reminds to the language group in the northwest of the Iran. The Kurds are deeply feel sure, that they even since 3000 years shall live in Kurdistan. Their forefathers conquered together with the Persians under the king Kyrus in 539 before Christ the Babylon Empire (Daniel 5,28). The Persian king Kyrus in this time had the power over the Medo Persian World Empire and Darius the Meder was the king under him in Babylon (Daniel 6 and 9,1). The Kurdish population has today about 36 Million people and with this it is the fourth bigest ethnos in the Near East, after the Arabs, Persians and Turks. That the Kurds (Meder) will go to war against the Iraq (Babylon), we find already in Jesajah 13,17-20. Because of the genocide, which Saddam Hussein did to the Kurds, they became active and woke up to new self confidence. They fighted together with other nations against the Iraq. The revival of the Kurds is described in Jeremiah 51,11 and Isaiah 13,17-18. Since 1991 the Kurds have in the north of the Iraq an autonomy. In the Golf war in 2003 many nations had to fight against the Iraq. In Jeremiah 51 there are emphasized three enemys of Babylon with the name, namely Ararat, Minne and Aschkenas. The todays Armenia is located in the area of the empire Ararat. But you must consider, that in the antique Armenia was located between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea and clasped the several time the numbers of the todays state Armenia. Minni described in the 1. Millenium before Christ an area between the Fan lake and the Urmia lake, where the Mannäer lived. The central area was located in the province Azerbaijan in Iran and extended in the north until the river Kura. The area of the antique kingdom Minni was located in the todays area of the Azerbaijan nation. West Azerbaijan is a province in Iran, but in the republic Azerbaijan the nation has an own sovereign state. Azerbaijan also sent in the Golf war soldiers. The name Ashkenaz is connected with the Skyths. The Skyths lived in the time of the prophet Isaiah in the area of the todays Ukraine and in South Russia between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. The Ukraine also took place in the Golf war.
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 09:45:32 +0000

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