8 things you may not know about me. Like and I will give you a - TopicsExpress


8 things you may not know about me. Like and I will give you a number. 1. My brother, Andy, and I both share Aug. 25 as our birthdays . . .but I am one year older than him. 2. Not only were we both born on the same day, a year apart, my brother Andy and I are both left-handed. 3. As a child, I grew up in rural Wisconsin, so I was constantly exposed to critters. I used to catch all kinds of reptiles and amphibians by hand, especially snakes, without any fear. I even kept one as a pet for many months. But one day I caught three largish snakes, unlike any Id ever caught before, at around age 10 or 11, put them in an old horse trough and showed my Dad. He exclaimed in alarm that they were rattle snakes and chopped their heads off with a shovel. I still remember the chopped off heads snapping their mouths open and closed and their severed bodies wriggling. It was horrific. After that, I was leery about catching snakes. 4. On a happier note, again when I was age 10 or 11, our cat caught a bird and brought it home. It was still alive. I took the bird away (boy was my cat MAD!) and kept it locked up in my bedroom, safe and sound. It had an injured wing. I did all that I knew how to care for the bird. Even though it appeared to be fully grown, it soon grew to trust me and allowed me to handle it without fear. A few weeks later, the bird was flying around my room, without trouble -- except for knocking into the window -- so I knew it was time to release him. I took the bird outside and told him how much I loved him but it was time to be free. I thrusted my hand in the air and the bird flew up and away and I started crying happy and sad tears. But the bird circled around and came back to land right back on my hand. Now I was REALLY bawling. But I told the bird it was time to go, so I gave it another little thrust. The bird flew up, circled around a couple of times, and then flew away. I never saw him again. 5. No one ever asked me out on a single date in high school, I was such an ugly duckling. My first date was at the ripe old age of 18, while in the military. My new first boyfriend was still bald from his basic training head shave, so we were on par, as far as looks go! 6. When I joined the Air Force, I was my recruiters Delayed Enlistment Program (DEP) Commander. During military tech school, I was our class cadence caller (the person who marches alongside the class and calls out catchy songs for everyone to sing along to in response, while marching, to keep things upbeat and in-step). I still can remember some of those cadences (its been 28 years--wow)! 7. From the time I could read a few words, I wanted to be a writer when I grew up. I dabbled in writing in my mid-twenties and managed to publish a few magazine articles and also had a childrens story published into a book. I even got to spend an afternoon signing autographs of that book at a special authors event at our local bookstore in Dayton, Ohio. (I gave up on writing in my thirties when I realized it was a lot easier and more fun to make $$ selling stuff on ebay! LoL) 8. After my husbands parents divorced years ago, Toms father started dating a new woman named Marsha. They lived in Alaska. When Damian was age 2, we flew up there to spend a few weeks with them. After a week or two, Marsha set it up with her mother for us to go visit her in Anchorage for a day to see the sights. When we arrived, Marshas mother busied herself in the kitchen to bring out some refreshments. I started looking at the family tree book that she had on her coffee table. As I flipped through the pages, I was shocked to see that many of the family names in her tree were MY family members! How odd, because I grew up in Wisconsin and Tom grew up in Florida and Alabama. We never met until the Air Force. So . . . how intriguing that Toms father fell in love with a woman from the same blood line that Tom fell in love with (me)! Small world, indeed . . . .
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 01:05:11 +0000

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