822: Solar Activity Causes The Change of The Human Race: Solar - TopicsExpress


822: Solar Activity Causes The Change of The Human Race: Solar Activity affects the environment, it also affect human behavior and its brain, we are breathing and absorbing solar particles as long as solar flares energize our planet, it also excites and energize the DNA of the planet itself and us, so it also excites the human nervous system. This would therefore, cause another change in cellular structure of the planet and its other living organisms. Solar flares is heat but has electrical effects to the planet, meaning whatever a flare hits it absorbs the heat and energizes the organisms, in this case, the planet, and its inhabitants. 855: Causes to the Brain: Solar Flares that hit the planet energize the brain and the nervous system, causing anxiety symptoms, or other symptoms, so if you have been having high anxiety these past weeks, it is caused by solar activity and the electric effects it has on the planet and your nervous system. 901: We already have electric properties like the sun already in our bodies, because of the sun, so just imagine what solar flares are doing with it increasing over time. Solar flares are increasing brain activity, like brain waves, neurons firing increased, nervous system and cell activity energized. So if you feel you must do something or feeling creative more than usual, its because of solar activity. 906: The main part of the solar flares intention, is to energize the heart, therefore, pumping more blood, increasing cell activity, and activating more immunity, as natural and balanced as possible. So you will never see it get too much, because nature works in balance, pattern, and order. 911: If solar flares increase cell and brain activity, then perceptual vision increases also, because the brain is already doing that by its own organic processes. There should be more dreams, increased thoughts and more imagination, because of this energizing experience happening to us and the planet, as well. I mean if people dont believe it, they dont have to, but they will start to feel very strange internally, in their thoughts and feelings. 919: either increased energy or exhaustion, either one, relatively and factual. 922: The sun is in a transition, so the Solar activity is synchronous and safe as long as our bodies can handle the electro radiation, and thats through water and earthly food, no chemicals. This transition happens every 26,000 years on an 11 year cycle. 929: So my opinion, is that the sun is harboring a well planned synchronous event that connects all species on an intimate level, by increasing bioelectricity, connecting all organisms back to the organic grid of the planet, increasing thoughts we have between each other, and may cause unfortunate problems. 933: Why the problems? The problem is DNA. DNA has an ability to be unlocked by organic solar electromagnetic radiation, when in reverse synthetic radiation destroys DNA like chemotherapy(ex. Fukushima Power Plant Radiation or anything that leaks synthetic radiation or chemicals through the blood affecting our DNA). The earth has DNA also, so it affects its body energizing the planet, strengthening the core, causing weird weather phenomenon due to this increased solar activity. 944: Gravity is here to compress DNA, leaving it with nothing less but 2 stands in the human body than 12 or 13. Im assuming the same for the earths body... 949: Now imagine if the sun unlocks the rest of the strands of DNA, What in the world would we look like? How would we be? What would the earth become? 1022: DNA is encoded surface and sublevel information. Who knows what information is stored there? Im assuming mutation or a cellular change could occur, but if the sun has the ability to open the key of life than so be it. Just imagine then, what happened 26,000 years ago, it had to be organic mutation. The myths of dragons, fairies, elves, aliens, past lives, its whatever memory that could be stored in our DNA. hmmmmm... 1029: The energizing of the earths frequencies is also caused by Solar Activity, the things you cannot see in the visible spectrum of light. For ex, some animals see in the lower levels of light and we cannot. 1033: What would happen then, is, the change of what we can see, will change into seeing what we cannot see in these invisible spectrums, whether spirits, angels, ghosts, whatever that could be harboring in these invisible frequencies, but the sun will be able to unlock those frequencies via Solar activity. It is only certain proportion of flares that stimulate these frequencies that we cannot see, but the only way we would see through them is through our stimulated nervous system from the sun and the solar flare activity, thats why this is the time, the sun is active, and is very important. 1044: We may be going through something half are not ready for. Why could we not be ready, for whats to come? Its not the end of the world, but the end to how the sun and planet usually works, So a lot of displacement may happen in our internal and external environment, whats around us will change and shake up. It will be OK on one hand if we dont fear its the end of the world, on the other, people will think this is random and will think its the end of the world. 1055: The other problem is if DNA unlocks, everything you couldnt see before will be revealed on both ends of the light spectrum, AGAIN, lol, and this may scare half of us, but others around the world will know because they already understand the science of it, some will feel this internally and instinctive. For the rest will be difficult, and some last minute, for this incredible change, that happens every 26,000 years. 1101: We will know who we are, and we will progress forward in growth, like anything that grows, like a tree, or like a flower, but on a grand level, but a different frequency, no more 3rd dimension or 4th dimension, but a 5th and 6th dimension. You see the sun harvests and grows us and everything living because we are a part of that same source. But what we thought of the sun will take on a different meaning.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 19:16:58 +0000

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