8th July14-Hello dear friends, I have drafted an open letter to - TopicsExpress


8th July14-Hello dear friends, I have drafted an open letter to Shri Narendra Modi Honble Prime Minister of India suggesting him how to lead India towards revival of Sone ki Chridiya, kindly send me your suggestions and if you approve please share it on your timeline. Kindly mail it to the PM, every one who thinks of nation, matters in BJP/NDA or the Government and every one who can be motivated to do something for the nation so that it reaches few millions to set the agenda for better India. Kindly dont wait for another five years otherwise masses will continue to suffer and the youth will continue to struggle. Open letter to PM- Shri Narendra Modi Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Congratulations on your historic victory in the recent election. It is noticeable that people of this country cutting across political affiliations reposed confidence in you with a hope of social, political & economic revival of ‘Sone Ki Chirdiya’. People saw in you a leader who is honest, decisive and innovative in performance of his duties. The education system is producing machines & computers and not compassionate human beings. In sixty-seven years of Independence we did not produce a single Bhagat Singh, Mahatma Gandhi, Patel or Dr. Ambedkar Unfortunately no one till date has realized that to build a nation it is necessary to build national character. I wish you to realize this fundamental wisdom and work in that direction. The onus is surely on you now to lead the nation toward better governance. Tragedy of life – 99 % Citizens Including Parliamentarians, Judges, top lawyers bureaucrats, industrialist and professionals are not Performing their Fundamental Duties prescribed under article 51 A of The Constitution Of India and yet we dream of having a prosperous India. The real cause of misery to millions of fellow human beings, who are not able to get even one square meal a day leave alone a dignified life is lack of training of mind and soul. We have not even made any sincere effort to ensure that every citizen performs his fundamental duties. We have not made any sincere efforts to build national character but we dream of building a nation. We have not realized that rampant corruption is because of lack of character and not because of absence of laws. Lack of accountability and social sanctions only add to lack of governance. The constitution starts with the pledge to secure for all its citizens justice social, economic and political, equality of status & opportunities and fraternity assuring dignity of the individuals. It is the fundamental duty of every citizen of India as per article 51 A of the constitution to abide by the constitution. This article also exhorts the citizens to uphold and protect the sovereignty, integrity and unity of India, to promote harmony and brotherhood and to safeguard public property. The dream of the framers of the constitution to wipe the last tear from the last eye is nowhere near realization; rather millions of fellow citizens go to bed on an empty stomach. More than two lac fifty thousand farmers committed suicide during the last fifteen years. Millions have no access to drinking water, basic health facilities and primary education. About twenty lakh children die within five years of their birth and almost fifty per cent of children are malnourished. Even as per the Government’s own survey about thirty per cent Indians are living below the poverty line and one third of districts are affected by violence. An enlightened poet said it so beautifully, IS SADI MEIN TERE HOTON PER TABASUM KE LAKIR HASNE WALE TERA PATHAR KA KALEJA HOGA Which means that if, despite knowing the miseries of the poor, you can still have a smile on your face, you are a stonehearted person. Manusmriti says, ‘If justice was destroyed by injustice, or truth by falsehood and if judges were mere spectators, then judges will be considered as offenders.’ It also divided the guilt of injustice to various people. One quarter of the guilt of an unjust decision falls on the offender, one quarter on the false witness, one quarter on all the judges, one quarter on the king. Manusmriti and many developed civilizations mandate ‘shame the name’ treatment for corrupt. It mandates engraving of dog’s footprint on the forehead of a thief. In fact shame the name is most potent weapon to curb corruption but many corrupt people were welcomed by lacs of people after their release from jails. Manusmriti futher mandates that it’s the duty of the king to make sure that everyone follows dharma, king appoints people of wisdom as his ministers, ministers of wisdom and not those who can represent any lobby, those who are compassionate and understand the pain, who have the wisdom to provide solutions. It is respectfully submitted that if despite seeing the miseries of millions we remain silent, we must introspect and reflect upon our thoughts and deeds. If the constitution mandates even the common citizen to uphold the constitution and to safeguard public property, can we mean that a parliamentarian, industrialist, bureaucrat, judge or a top professional is not to perform even the fundamental duty of a citizen and is to be a heartless spectator to the sufferings of millions and loot of national resources? How wonderfully did the great poet Iqbal comment upon such a situation? “WATAN KI FIKR KAR NADAAN MUSIBAT AANE WALI HEIN, TERI BARBADIYUN KE MASHWARE HEIN AASMANO MEIN NA SAMJHO GE TO MIT JAOGE AIE HINDUSTAN WALO TUMAHRI DASTAN TAQ BHI NA HOGI DASTANO MEIN” Which means take care of the nation which is on the verge of calamity, the whole universe is aware of your miseries, if still you don’t act, you will not even find mention in the stories. How aptly the poet wrote about those in deep slumber even after seeing that millions are going to bed on an empty stomach, not to talk of leading a dignified life and equal status dreamt by the framers of constitution. People have not been taught the golden words of Saint Kabir: “ Saien itna deejiye Jaa mein kutumb smaye, mein bhi bhookha na rahun sadhu na bukha jaye” Which literally means that God should give me enough only to satisfy my hunger and my guest should not go back hungry. I feel that most of the problems in the world would be solved; many miseries would be wiped out if everyone is sensitive and especially those who govern the nation and those who control the major portion of wealth are made sensitive to the ‘Law Of Impermanence.’ I sincerely feel that even if a few of those who matter, analyze the purpose of their lives and “law Of Impermanence”, the purpose of discussing this theory would be reasonably served and the day a good number of those who matter in this world analyze the purpose of life the world would be too good to imagine. Former Chief Justice Of India Justice RC Lahoti in his lecture delivered on 22nd Feb 2005 on “Canons of Judicial Ethics” said it so beautifully, “Ethics and morality cannot be founded on authority thrust from outside. They are the matter of conscience, which sprouts from within”. The wisdom to see through and do everything in larger public interest cannot be evolved just by studying economics, management, law and administrative reforms. Everyone must be taught what the Holy Scriptures set down. Everyone must be asked to read, internalize and live the wisdom spoken by Bulle Shah, Kabir, Ghalib, Shakespeare, Khalil Gibran & Ameer Khusro to purify and sensitize oneself towards the sufferings of fellow human beings if we wish to fulfill the promise of removing the last tear from the last eye. We all know that in a nation of 1.3 billion, India’s 100 richest people own assets equivalent to one-fourth of the GDP and unfortunately our so called pseudo intellectuals are doing very little for poor not getting one square meal a day. It is really sad that many involved in governance are totally oblivious to the preaching of Bhagwad Geeta and the great message given by Krishna. In fact, every religion and enlightened master stressed upon wisdom to perform one’s Dharma, duty without any ill will, attachment, fear or favor. The oath you swore by before assuming the office, “I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India” and the first mandate of the constitution is to secure justice social, economic and political for all. Food for all, ‘harek ghar mein diya bhi jale anaaj bhi ho’. The problem is lack of training of mind according to our religious scriptures like Holy Quran, Sukhmani Sahib, Holy Bibble and Bhagwad Geeta. The solution lies in training mind & soul towards building national character. The answer is spiritual training of all the stakeholders in the governance. The solution is to make people accountable and shame the name, which is the most potent weapon to curb corruption and insensitivity. God has been very kind to me and I don’t need anything for myself. I have prepared a road map for training mind & soul and for making people accountable. I can present the whole scheme within ten minutes. I am willing to work 24 X 7 if our Government takes this issue seriously. Reference-my book, “Meet Your Soul”, Chapters, ‘Who Am I’, ‘Be Honest To Yourself’, ‘Be An Island Unto Yourself’, ‘Yoga & Meditation’, Training Of Mind’, & ‘The Ultimate’ Ashok Arora is the former secretary of Supreme Court Bar Association (India), author of a number of articles and books. He has practical experience of thirty-five years in the arena of spirituality, motivation, holistic development, stress management and communication skills. He established a school for ‘training mind and soul’ to provide holistic development to students, teachers, parents & professionals. He has delivered hundreds of lectures for the benefit of students, teachers, parents, judges, army, police, doctors, corporate, professionals and foreign delegates on a wide range of subjects like blissful living, stress management, parenting, holistic personality development, life/communication skills, leadership, team building etc. He studied at the Hindu college & Campus Law Centre, Delhi. Feeling concerned about the falling standards of physical and mental health of students world over, students undertaking violence at an early age and the stress they go through, he resolved to renounce a lucrative law practice at the peak of his career and gracefully refused the offer to become a high court judge to dedicate his life to guide the students. Ex Law Minister named him Buddha of twenty-first centaury & many termed him ‘A Monk Who Sold His Ferrari in the real sense’. Ashokarora2310@gmail
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 15:49:23 +0000

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