9/15/13 Good morning, Carla. Here is the truth. I am standing in - TopicsExpress


9/15/13 Good morning, Carla. Here is the truth. I am standing in your doorway. I am not at but in your doorway. It is my path to you. Thank you for your obedience to me. It draws our picture like a beautiful drawing or art piece. Here is the word about our living breathing art. Here is the deception that Satan has developed. He is the warden. He knows that your comfort is in “seeing” me. So if he can tempt you to be disobedient then you put up walls around yourself that separate us. So there isn’t a one human that doesn’t want to recognize that the wall needs to come down. Satan even knows the yearning of your soul. So then he himself takes down at wall so that his prisoner has bars to see through. You see me on the other side of the bars and it gives you much pleasure. You have pleasure living in your small tight scale so long as you can see me. This is the deception. You think because you can see me that you are safe, that you are saved. But you are not. You are not. You are a prisoner sentenced. I am the symbol of the justice and there is a handkerchief over my eyes because you wipe away my power in your life when you disobey. Even still you are happy in your cell. You are so fooled by the fact that you can still see me. Here is the truth about love. You think because you see me that you love me. Listen to this. Because you see me does NOT mean you KNOW me. Sin and disobedience removes me from you whether I am right in front of your bars in your cell or not I cannot get you out until your bars are sawed off. Those bars have a film and a cloud that distorts the truth. I have breathed into you an absolute sure fire solution. I am but a visitor and those guards have become lazy and not watching me slip you the paraphernalia to saw away. In fact I have put the guards to sleep they have become so spoiled and overfed and fat and lazy. So our visits even though you have been an inmate with handcuffs and bars and foot shackles with a heavy 75 pound steele ball to drag, I gave you a small fingernail file to hide up your sleeve so that you can sit there and file away at all this metal. My tools are small but mighty. Here is the distortion you were so shocked and amazed when I slipped you this fingernail file and you ask what in the world is this for? I said it is for your freedom. Look up. And you look up. The instant you obeyed me you were looking with new eyes. You had no idea you had been sitting in that cell. Suddenly we are standing face to face without bars listen because of your obedience. And you are instantly free. Your obedience has fred you and you want to slip the fingernail file to every one of your inmates even those who have tormented you and yelled nd screamed and kept you up all night because your freedom propels you to love. You have your love back and love is merciful and it places the love of God into the love of man. We actually love everyone we have just been brainwashed by the guards to hate each other. The guards have been removed. It is an entire Earth with bars wrapped around it. And my people are blilssfully happy because of the deception of my hovering over. The bars must go. You must be obedient so that you can LOVE me. It is the love that is on the other side of the bars. For those of you seeing now for the first time you are also now filled with my spirit and with my love which is what is missing. It is missing in all your relationships and it is the healing power needed for those relationships to be repaired instantly. You have no more bitterness and unforgiveness towards each other when I am first. Here is what is about to happen, my little prison lizards. My power is overwhelming. Why? It is the love of a father who has been robbed of his children. You know, the one who has loss of memory of you, and no loss of memory towards those who would dare lay a finger on the hair of my children’s heads. The abuse of the guards is more than I can take. So what will I do? I will gather you up and love and hug up on you because first of all I just want you back and rush you to a safe place. That is my first priority. Next. Are you sure you want to hear this? I will smite mine enemy with the force of an angry father who has suffered the worse loss of all, the unjust murder of his children. You were dead but you all know that I have resurrection powers and yes you have been resurrected. All this talk of prison and bars and obedience and love and freedom and love and healing it is all me standing in your doorway because these words are opening and reaching your soul that I gave you. We are connected every one of you to me. Wake up. Let’s get this moving. Lord, what would you have me do with your truth. You are to post my words in your facebook page as the Holy Spirit has asked you. When you obey your Father you reap the reward of life a long rich healthy life. You stay calm today with your mother’s advice of food and water. You gently inform her that it’s okay she can sleep if she wants because she is a guest but a very blessed one. Her daughter works for the King on high. She needed to see this. All her hard work and prayers for you and a job got you hired by the most loving and honorable and respectful employer ever and I will take good care of you and not just you but your family so that none of you ever have to work for money. Tell her. I want to introduce to you m partner. Carla is now at this point in her life my hands and feet out of obedience. She at the age of 13 had this same and I mean SAME love OF ME AND FROM ME AND LISTEN TO THIS. She ran. OOOOOH. With GODspeed and power she intentionally ran from me and from this and from all of you. And this is why. Who can contain my love? There isn’t a one of you who can contain the love and power and listen my purpose and time and my hand on you in the way it is over her and I am using her as an example to you for you to understand her actions. It isn’t humanly possible to perform my works and keep my pace and understand me in the speed and accuracy and intensity and love and sweetness and accurate measure that my darling little cheetah has in this moment. Why? Because it is love and power and joy unspeakable. Unspeakable, something not humanly able to explain and there is no language formed to describe it. It is sung. Hear me, that love is sung among my angels up in heaven for me to me at me and it is a pitch and blending that is none other than the definition of what I am telling you. It is perfection. My love is perfect. It doesn’t land you in jail behind bars. But it will get you out and rip up the jail cell and plow through a prison and leave it crumbled to the ground while there isn’t a scratch on my children’s body. I am the deliverer who who sweeps through a camp and wipes out the watchmen with my breath because that is how hear me I sweep through with m,y breath. The wind, I am and I move and I do and I will and I have and I purpose myself to rescue you all of youo and you are MINE MINE MINE and you are free and you are free and there is such an urgency for you to feel your way through all of this. Shurt your eyes and and tightly keep them closed and sit still and think or don’t and let me move on you and be silent and keep your eyes closed and your ears open and let me guide you a like a blind person. I assure you. You are blind. Look up to me and I will be your physician that you all will seek for unexplained miracles for your children and families and you will come in last and those who are last are first and first is last. I am overflowing. I am God and even I am overflowing with love for you and you and you. I have to hold you again as I did at your formation. I was close close close during your growth and development and in your mothers wombs. I do what all proud fathers do and I rub your mother’s belly. It is an excitement and preparation for you and a soothing calm ness that I give you because you would listen from inside that womb and you knew your mother and you knew your father’s voice too. And your Father is me. I am your maker andI love my children as a new parent handling a first born and so so adoring and gentle and kcan’t quit looking in your precious face and touching your little head and just amazed at your beautiful image and form. You know what I mean? Of course you do. Listen to me. I am about my ways. You be about my ways and that is obedience and obedience is love it is the return of what I just gave to you, which is love. And you lift your face and your hands and you be free and you shut your eyes and you dance and I will dance with you and here we go!!!!! And Lord there is so many words and what would you have me, lord and how can I be your servant and your child and you say look a up. Use my and I say MY social media app face book and here we go and it is all every word to be spelled out in my words and form and here we go.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 08:52:01 +0000

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