9 POINT PLAN TO COMBAT ISLAM. 1. Ban the burka and hijab in - TopicsExpress


9 POINT PLAN TO COMBAT ISLAM. 1. Ban the burka and hijab in public places. 2. No more mosques to be built. 3. NO more ISLAMIC immigration into Australia, unless its given ministerial approval (special needs) NO ILLEGAL ENTRANCE WILL BE ALLOWED TO STAY PERMANENTLY NO EXCEPTIONS 4. Any immigrant, or child of an immigrant, that openly defies Australian laws or preaches hatred towards this country which has sheltered them and/or their parents, shall be charged under new laws specially written with this in mind. This will apply to any group, any religion and any nationality. Religious bigotry and racism against Australians must not be tolerated and has to stop. 5. Immigrants must learn English, our official language. 6. Make it a criminal offense for anyone to preach in a mosque; any form of divisive politics, child marriage, illegal activities, anti-Australian sentiments, racist and/or religious discrimination or sharia law. 7. A special task force to monitor all existing mosques and what is being said in them. 8. Ban halal certification. If you dont know what halal certification is watch this and you soon will youtu.be/YVPngzSE94o 9. Have sharia law made illegal. All this is PAULINE HANSONS ONE NATIONS agenda to combat Islam within Australia. If you agree like share and comment.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 07:30:44 +0000

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