$.99 - TopicsExpress


$.99 book! amazon/Confessions-Alli-Cat-Cougar-Chronicles-ebook/dp/B009W9QTVY/ref=la_B004Y4Z8ZU_1_14?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1395184370&sr=1-14 “You look marvelous!” Sara says when I round the corner into the bedroom. “I feel ridiculous.” “Why? We are simply two wealthy women with trophy boy toys out for a night on the town at one of Vegas’s most luxurious night spots. Nothing to feel ridiculous about.” “I’m dressed like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, only without the body for it,” I say, indicating my short, tight dress. “How did I let you talk me into buying this?” “Well, I thought it might help things with Rick the Dick many moons ago, but this is an even better use. Besides, you look mouthwatering.” Standing up, she walks to me. She trails the fingertips of one hand down my cheek. “A beautiful face,” she says, dragging her hands down to palm my boobs next. She gives them a squeeze. “Delicious rack,” she declares then grabs my waist and spins me around. “And a perfect ass,” she exclaims, slapping my butt. “You are gorgeous and any man in his right mind would give his left nut to lick you from head to toe and everywhere in between.” “I think you secretly have the hots for me,” I laugh. “Maybe I should be going out with you instead.” “Oh, you flatter! If either of us swung that way, we’d be perfect together. But, alas, I’m a sausage lover, as are you. No tacos for us.” I can’t help but laugh. “Have you always been this way and I’m just now noticing?” “Yes. You’ve been preoccupied for a few years.” “I’m beginning to really love this new you. Even if she shocks me regularly and gets me into trouble more often than not.” “You love it and you know it. I add much-needed excitement to your life,” Sara claims, walking to the mirror to touch up her lipstick. “Did I tell you I love that hair style on you, too?” I ask, referring to her dark red pixie cut. She totally has the face to pull it off. “Keep going like that and I’m yours.” We both laugh. “Well, I guess I’m ready.” I add under my breath, “At least as ready as I’ll ever be.” “Then it’s time to go.” My stomach flutters in dread and anxiety and, yes, a little bit of excitement. I take a deep breath and smile at Sara. She loops her arms through mine and grins. “Welcome to the first night of the rest of your life.” We make our way outside and down the walk to the curb, to the shiny black limousine waiting there. The ride is only twenty minutes or so, during which I drink champagne in the back of the limo at a rate of speed that would make a sailor proud. When we glide to a stop at the club, I follow Sara out of the car. And the man waiting for me nearly takes my breath away. He’s taller than I imagined and much broader than I expected. His shoulders look a mile wide in his perfectly-tailored tuxedo, making his waist look smaller than mine. His hair is dark brown and his eyes are the same dark, sparkling blue as they are in his picture. He’s young, all right. But there is nothing boyish about this guy. Not at all. As I step from the car, he extends his hand toward me. I slip my fingers into his and he smiles. I’m pretty sure my knees go numb and my uterus has a spasm. But it’s when he speaks that I know it’s all over but the shouting. And the Hallelujah choir. “You’re more beautiful than I could’ve imagined,” he purrs in a deep, velvety voice. Yep, I’m gonna ride him like a runaway bull tonight. No two ways about it. The thought makes me smile.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 23:13:23 +0000

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